Redeye comments on EveryMatrix’s cash offer to acquire Fantasma Games at a price of SEK59 per share, corresponding to a total value of appro...
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation after reviewing Fantasma Games’ Q2 report, which came in stronger than expected across the board ...
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q2 results, which exceeded expectations in both sales and margins.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q2 results, due on 7 August.
Redeye updated its estimates after reviewing Fantasma Games’ Q1 report, which came in stronger than expected and showed a record GGR number.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q1 results, which came in better than expected both in terms of sales and profitability.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q1 results (due on 8 May).
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation after reviewing Fantasma Games’ Q4 report, which showed a strong GGR performance.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q4 results, which came in weaker than expected both in terms of sales and profitability.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q4 results (due 6 March).
Redeye updates its estimates after reviewing Fantasma Games’ Q3 report, which showed lower growth than expected.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q3 results, which came in softer than expected.
Redeye provides an update on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q3 results (due 8 Nov).
Redeye updates its estimates after reviewing Fantasma Games’ Q2 report, which showed lower growth than expected.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q2 results, which came in below our expectations.
Redeye provides an update on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q2-results (due 9 Aug), where we expect a solid quarter due to continued good momen...
Redeye is encouraged by today's news, where Fantasma Games is finding new ways to monetize its slot games by entering the social casino spac...
Redeye updates its estimates and base case following Fantasma Games’ Q1 report, which showed high growth with increased margins.
Redeye comments on Fantasma Games’ Q1 results, which came in line with our expectations.
Redeye provides an update on Fantasma Games ahead of its Q1-results (due 10 May), where we expect a strong quarter due to March being a reco...
Redeye is encouraged by today’s news, where Fantasma Games has launched its first game with Draftkings, one of the largest operators in the ...
Redeye initiates coverage of Fantasma Games, an innovative Swedish slot developer.
Fantasma Games AB (”Fantasma” eller ”Bolaget”) utvecklar och producerar spel till den globala casinomarknaden online.
Fantasma Games publicerade idag, den 9e november 2022, bolagets delårsrapport för det tredje kvartalet 2022 och slog våra förväntningar på s...
Fantasma Games publicerade idag den 10 augusti 2022 bolagets delårsrapport för andra kvartalet 2022 och slår våra förväntningar.
Fantasma Games publicerar imorgon den 10 juni Bolagets Q2-rapport och Analyst Group sammanfattar kvartalet som händelserikt och med tydliga ...
Fantasma Games (“Fantasma” eller “Bolaget”) publicerade den 11 maj sin första kvartalsrapport för år 2022.
Analyst Group har med Fantasma Games ingått avtal om kontinuerlig analysbevakning, innefattande bl.
Mangold uppdaterar Fantasma Games, utvecklare av videoslots till kasinobranschen.
Spelutvecklaren Fantasma Games har haft ett händelserikt andra kvartal.