Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q4 results, which showed lower sales than expected due to limited capital on the platform.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news where Tessin has secured short-term funding by issuing a convertible loan of SEK2m.
Redeye updates its estimates and valuation after reviewing Tessin's Q3 report, which showed somewhat softer figures than expected.
Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q3 results, which showed somewhat softer figures than expected.
Tessin, med en digital investeringsplattform för fastigheter, redovisade en nettoomsättning om 12,6 (15,1) miljoner kronor under det andra k...
Redeye updates its estimates and base case after reviewing Tessin's Q2 report, which showed sales roughly in line with expectations.
Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q2 results, which showed solid sales numbers but lower profitability than expected.
Tessin, som erbjuder en digital investeringsplattform för fastigheter, redovisade en nettoomsättning om 10,0 (8,8) miljoner kronor under det...
Redeye is encouraged by yesterday’s news that SDS has appointed Eddy Cojulun as the new CEO, bringing extensive industry experience to the c...
Redeye updates its estimates and base case following Tessin’s Q1 report which showed better-than-expected margins due to good cost control i...
Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q1 results, which showed solid growth despite a significant cost reduction.
Tessin, med en digital investeringsplattform, redovisade en nettoomsättning om 50,7 (44,2) miljoner kronor under 2022.
Redeye updates its estimates and fair value range following Tessin’s Q4 report.
Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q4 results, which came in lower than expected in terms of sales and profitability.
Redeye comments on today’s news, where Tessin has entered into a partnership with SoliFast, strengthening Tessin’s overall offering.
Redeye comments on the outcome of Tessin’s rights issue, which was subscribed to 74.
Redeye comments on yesterday’s news from Tessin, where the company announced a rights issue which, if fully subscribed, will initially bring...
Redeye provides its view on today’s news, where Tessin announced another cost-saving program of SEK20m to ensure profitability at the end of...
Redeye updates its estimates and fair value range following Tessin’s Q3 report, which came in slightly better than expected in terms of sale...
Redeye comments on Tessin’s Q3 results, which came in higher than expected in terms of sales and lower in terms of profitability.
Redeye initiates coverage of Tessin, one of the largest peer-to-peer (P2P) real estate investment platforms in the Nordics.
Tessin rapporterade sin högsta nettoomsättning för ett kvartal i årets andra kvartal och överträffade Mangolds förväntningar.
Efterfrågan på Tessins tjänster är hög; intäkterna ökade med 37 procent under årets första kvartal jämfört med samma period ifjol.
Efterfrågan på Tessins plattform är hög. Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 44 miljoner kronor 2021, en ökning om 18 procent mot 2020.
Tessins investeringsplattform inom fastighetslån växer i hög takt och allt fler intressenter söker sig dit.
Mangold inleder bevakning av Tessin som förmedlar investeringar relaterade till fastighetslån.