Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") and Stall Courant, owned by Unibet founder Anders Ström and run by trotting trainer...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") today announces that Nasdaq has approved Diagonal Bio's application for delisting f...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") has received conditional approval for listing on NGM Nordic SME (“NGM”).
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") today announces that the Company – in order to be able to reallocate costs – has de...
Diagonal Bio AB's ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") rights issue of units, with a subscription period ending on 6 February 2025, has now bee...
The Board of Directors of Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") has today, based on the authorisation granted by the Extraordina...
Diagonal Bio AB’s (”Diagonal Bio” or the ”Company”) CEO, Karin Wehlin, has directly and through Wehlin’s fully owned company WW Advise AB pu...
The subscription period in Diagonal Bio AB’s ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") rights issue of units of initially approximately SEK 6.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") has signed an agreement with Stall Goop regarding a pilot test of LAMPlify®.
TradeVenue intervjuar Diagonal Bios VD, Karin Wehlin
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") announces an order valued at approximately SEK 150,000 from Daniel Redén, a renowne...
Today, 23 January 2025, the subscription period in Diagonal Bio AB’s ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") rights issue of units of initially ap...
The subscription period of Diagonal Bio AB’s ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") rights issue of units, which was resolved on 23 December 2024...
Diagonal Bio announces a change the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 20, 2025.
Today, January 17, 2025, an Extraordinary General Meeting was held in Diagonal Bio AB.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") announces the expansion of its equine diagnostic testing panel to include the detec...
Aktieägarna i Diagonal Bio AB, org.nr 559248-8984, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma fredagen den 17 januari 2025 kl.
Board of Directors of Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal Bio” or the ”Company”) has today resolved on a directed issue of units consisting of shares...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces that Daniel Redén, a renowned horse trainer at StallZet, has entered into...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces that one of Sweden’s most accomplished horse race trainers, Madeleine Smi...
I enlighet med de principer för inrättande av valberedning som tidigare beslutats på årsstämman 2024, har följande valberedning utsetts för ...
Diagonal Bio today announces that the Nomination Committee has been appointed in preparation for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 20,...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces a partnership with Kolgjini Stables (Stall Kolgjini), founded by renowned...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") today announces that the Board of Directors of the Company has engaged financial and legal...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces a partnership with Gocksta Stud (Gocksta Stuteri), led by Anne-Sophie Thi...
“One of the most exciting developments is our effort into a new application of our technology LAMPlify®—this time in the domain of swine dis...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces the commencement of a six-month pilot test of its point-of-care diagnosti...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") will be participating in a partnered event with Svensk Galopp, at Jägersro on Novem...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal” or “the Company”) announces successful results of a recent pilot study conducted by the Centre for Diagno...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") announces that Hunneberga Horse Stable (Hunneberga Hästgård) and Tomas Hammar, show...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) has partnered with StallZet and Daniel Redén, one of Sweden's leading horse trottin...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal" or the "Company") today announces that the new shares from the exercise of warrants of series TO 1 have been reg...
On September 26, 2024, the exercise period for Diagonal Bio AB's ("Diagonal" or the "Company") warrants of series TO 1 ("TO 1") ended.
The 24th of September 2024 is the last day of trading in warrants of series TO 1, which were issued in connection with Diagonal Bio AB's ("D...
Today is the first day for the exercise of Diagonal Bio AB's ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") warrants of series TO 1 ("TO 1") which were i...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") hereby announces that the exercise price for the warrants of series TO 1 (”TO 1”), which w...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” and “the Company”) announces that its diagnostic tool, LAMPlify® has undergone a successful external ...
“In the second quarter of 2024, we have made advancements, particularly within the equine healthcare sector (horse veterinary clinics) where...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) has secured an order from the Technical University of Denmark (“DTU”) valued at jus...
Idag, den 11 juni 2024, hölls årsstämma i Diagonal Bio AB.
Today, on 11 June 2024, the Annual General Meeting of Diagonal Bio AB was held.
“The end of last year was marked by our focus on creating the business platform to generate the company's initial revenue in 2024.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) has appointed Fata Mrsic as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce a significant new collaboration with Löberöds Hästklinik, le...
The Board of Directors and CEO of Diagonal Bio AB hereby publish the Annual Report for the fiscal year 2023.
Aktieägarna i Diagonal Bio AB (publ), org.nr 559248-8984, (”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 11 juni 2024 kl.
Diagonal Bio AB's ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") rights issue of units, with a subscription period ending on April 22, 2024, has now been...
Lundabolaget Diagonal Bio har kommit långt på mycket kort tid.
Diagonal Bio’s platforms using an 8-parallel test format, show overall Accuracy of 99.
Hur kan bolagets utveckling ha gått så snabbt? Diagonal Bio vill hindra spridning av infektioner genom att utveckla snabba och säkra tester ...
Diagonal Bio siktar på att ge säkra diagnostiska svar på tio minuter.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or the "Company") today announces a strategic step to strengthen its sales and marketing efforts.
På bara tre år har Diagonal Bio gått från nystartat utvecklingsbolag till att glänta på dörren till marknaden med sin första diagnostiska pr...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) announces the extension of its partnership with Hørsholm Veterinary Clinic followin...
Today, 2[nd] April 2024, an Extraordinary General Meeting was held in Diagonal Bio AB, reg.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ.) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has appointed Karin Wehlin as C...
Shareholders in Diagonal Bio AB, 559248-8984, are hereby invited to attend an extraordinary general meeting on Tuesday, 2nd of April, 2024, ...
“Looking back at 2023, I am proud to point out the significant steps we have made in our development, including the key achievements such as...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" or "the Company") has signed a distribution agreement with Techtum Lab AB ("Techtum Lab").
Diagonal Bio (“Bolaget”) meddelar att Bolaget valt att effektivisera sin marknadskommunikation och framöver endast kommer att tillhandahålla...
I augusti 2023 kommunicerades att Diagonal Bio erhöll en finansiering där lån och nytt ägarkapital skulle ta bolaget till Q1 2024.
I enlighet med den överenskommelse som gjordes i samband med Jack Egelund Madsens avgång som VD den 23 november 2023, har styrelsen idag på ...
I enlighet med de principer för inrättande av valberedning som tidigare beslutats på årsstämman 2023, har följande valberedning utsetts för ...
Rättelse: 2023-11-27 kl 10:11:38 skickade Bolaget felaktigt ut ett tidigare publicerat press meddelande från 2023-03-06.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal Bio" eller "Företaget") meddelar att företaget har ingått ett avtal med en Hörsholms Hästepraksis rörande ...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) har satt upp fokusområden för sina teknologier LAMPlify™ (testsystemet på mindre reglera...
Styrelsen i Diagonal Bio AB (publ.) (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) har utsett styrelseledamot Karin Wehlin som tillförordnad VD.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar att bolaget initierar en pilotstudie med Techtum Lab AB.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör härmed delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari - 30 september 2023.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” eller “Bolaget”) presenterar idag en uppdatering om Bolagets arbete för att säkra IP-skydd för kärnte...
Idag, den 3 oktober 2023, meddelar Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (”Diagonal Bio” eller ”Bolaget”) registreringen av den riktade nyemissionen i enli...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" eller "Bolaget") etablerar en Advisory Board med rådgivare som har kompetens och erfarenhet från kommersiali...
Idag, den 22 september 2023, hölls extra bolagsstämma i Diagonal Bio AB, org.
Jack Egelund Madsen, VD för Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) intervjuas av Impala Nordic som uppföljning av Bolagets Q2-r...
Aktieägarna i Diagonal Bio AB, 559248-8984, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma fredagen den 22 september 2023 kl.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör härmed delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari - 30 juni 2023.
Styrelsen för Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" eller "Bolaget") har beslutat att genomföra en riktad nyemission om cirka 1,8 MSEK, riktad til...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" eller "Bolaget") meddelar att fokus under 2023 kommer att vara externa studier tillsammans med potentiella s...
Diagonal Bio AB ("Diagonal Bio" eller "Bolaget") har CE-märkt LAMPlify™.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” eller "Bolaget") arrangerar en Demo Day och bjuder in alla intresserade investerare till evenemanget ...
Idag, den 11 maj 2023, hölls årsstämma i Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal Bio” eller ”Bolaget”).
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) ("Diagonal" eller "Bolaget") offentliggör härmed delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari - 31 mars 2023.
VD för Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal” eller “Bolaget”), Jack Egelund Madsen, intervjuas i ett längre poddavsnitt i Impala Nordics podcas...
Aktieägarna i Diagonal Bio AB, 559248-8984, kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 11 maj 2023 kl.
Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör härmed årsredovisning för 2022.
På onsdag den 29 mars 2023 deltar Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal” eller “Bolaget”) på Investerarmötet på Banérska palatset i Stockholm.
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) har erhållit resultat från en extern studie som genomförts vid Centre för Diagnostics (“...
Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) kommer fokusera på två olika produktfamiljer med basen i den teknologi som utvecklats un...
Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal” eller ”bolaget”) (Nasdaq Stockholm First North: DIABIO) offentliggjorde idag sin bokslutsrapport för verksamhets...
Diagonal Bio AB:s (”Diagonal” eller “Bolaget”) företrädesemission av aktier, vars teckningsperiod avslutades den 15 december 2022, har nu re...
Teckningsperioden i Diagonal Bio AB:s (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) företrädesemission av aktier, i vilken även allmänheten gavs möjlighet at...
Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal” or ”the Company”) (Nasdaq Stockholm First North: DIABIO) meddelar idag att bolaget fastställt den initiala detek...
Idag, den 1 december 2022, inleds teckningsperioden i Diagonal Bio AB:s ("Diagonal" eller "Bolaget") nyemission av aktier med företrädesrätt...
Idag, den 24 november 2022 är sista dag för handel i Diagonal Bio AB:s (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) aktie med rätt att erhålla teckningsrätt...
Diagonal Bio AB (”Diagonal” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör idag, den 24 november 2022, informationsmemorandum med anledning av Bolagets föret...
Idag, den 23 november 2022, hölls extra bolagsstämman i Diagonal Bio AB, org.