Sweden still affected by cautious hiring policy Positive development in UK Normalisation before next growth phase? Q4: Net sales -7% y-o-y,...
Norway and Denmark are steaming ahead... ...more than offsetting the weaker Sweden Profitability coming down from a high base Q3: 13% organ...
• Two large regions in Sweden restrict staffing... • .
Weakness for nurses segment in Sweden... ...more than offset by other regions/segments A strong start to the year Q1: 22% organic sales gro...
Another impressive quarter in Norway Denmark is also gaining momentum Growth initiatives hurt profitability in Q4 Q4: Sales growth of 41% y...
Acquires Templars Medical Agency Ltd. Sees it as a platform to build from in UK and Ireland Dedicare’s vision is to become a leading playe...
43% sales growth y-o-y, 37% organic We raise ’23e sales & EBIT estimates by 6% and 10% New fair value range of SEK 89-116 (82-113) Q2: Adj.
Q2 report due on 15 July Dedicare is taking market share in a growing market New value range of SEK 82-113 Higher-than-usual need for healt...
~12% sales growth last 5Y 28% sales growth and above-target EBIT margin in ’22e Fair value range of SEK 72-114, 5x-8x ’22e EV/EBIT Strong g...