Small signs pointing towards a system-wide deal in India At the presentation of the Q4’24 report, Crunchfish reports of ongoing dialogues i...
While the Q3’24 report did not contain any particular surprises in terms of financials, it did provide details on the eight revenue opportun...
As discussed in our previous update, Crunchfish has now settled on a path forward for the company's financing.
While the commercialization of Crunchfish’s solution for offline payments has shown a longer sales cycle than expected, the company continue...
Following the app-integrated offline payments with Digital Cash, and recent expansion with App-Integratad Card Emulation (ACE) for tokenized...
With the broadening of its Digital Cash technology to support secure Host-based Card Emulation (HCE) for online as well as offline,Crunchfis...
In line with the already communicated ambition to divest its Gesture Interaction business, Crunchfish decided to write down all GI-related I...
After the clarifications regarding NPCI’s UPI Lite X, RBI has now officially approved Crunchfish Digital Cash’s technology in a newly releas...
While the numbers for Q3’23 came in as expected, the key takeaways from the report conference call painted a brighter picture.
Crunchfish has announced a 60% guaranteed SEK 85 million rights issue.
In June, Crunchfish signed its first breakthrough commercial order for Digital Cash Offline, with Indian IDFC Bank.
With the establishment of the first commercial agreement with IDFC Bank in India, Crunchfish’s Digital Cash solution is primed for commercia...
After an eventful 2022, Crunchfish looks to make 2023 the year where things take off.