The SEK48m loan from Swedish Energy Agency is converted into grant.
On the 23rd of May, ChromoGenics largest owner, Färna Invest, placed a takeover bid of SEK10 for the entire company.
This morning ChromoGenics has received an offer from Färna Invest of SEK10 in cash per share.
Redeye comments on ChromoGenics Q1 2024 report. Sales came in lower than our estimate due to the continued weak sentiment in the constructio...
Redeye provides an update on ChromoGenics following the company's Q4 2023 results.
Redeye comments on ChromoGenics Q4 2023 report.
Yesterday, after the market closed, ChromoGenics announced its intention to raise SEK 15 million through a rights issue via an accelerated b...
Redeye provides an update on ChromoGenics following the company's Q3 2023 results.
Redeye comments on ChromoGenics Q3 2023 report. The cost reduction efforts made throughout the quarter resulted in a smaller loss than antic...
ChromoGenics just announced that during Q3 2023 it had an aggregated order intake of SEK8.
ChromoGenics announced last night that thay received an order of SEK5m for ConverLight dynamic glass to a project in Uppsala Sweden.
At ChromoGenics AB's annual general meeting on 21 June 2023, a decision was made to undergo a reverse share split, consolidating every one h...
Weak on topline but better margins due better cost control and yield in production.
ChromoGenics AB's rights issue, announced on May 17, 2023, ended on July 12, 2023.
Redeye provides an update on ChromoGenics following the company's Q1 2023 results.
Redeye states that ChromoGenics Q1’23 report was overall better than expected despite soft top line.
ChromoGenics announced yesterday the outcome of exercised warrants of series TO 4 and TO 5.
Today, 13 March 2023, the exercise period begins for the warrants of series TO 4 and TO 5 which were issued in connection with ChromoGenics ...
Redeye provides an update on ChromoGenics following the company's Q4 results.
Redeye states that Chromogenics Q4 report was weak on topline with higher OPEX
Redeye initiates coverage of ChromoGenics, a producer of electrochromic dynamic foil used in glass to achieve sun and heat-protecting proper...
ChromoGenics presenterade nyligen sin Q2-rapport där försäljningen var lägre än vad vi estimerat.
ChromoGenics publicerade den 25 augusti 2022 sin delårsrapport för årets andra kvartal.
ChromoGenics fortsätter sin resa från ett utvecklingsbolag i Uppsala till ett industribolag med internationellt fokus.
ChromoGenics publicerade idag den 19 maj 2022 sin delårsrapport för årets första kvartal.
Med en nyligen presenterad Q4-rapport anser vi att ChromoGenics fortsätter röra sig i rätt riktning i termer av tillväxt, och att Bolagets a...
ChromoGenics publicerade idag den 8 februari 2022 sin delårsrapport för fjärde kvartalet 2021.
Med en åter stigande försäljning, i kombination med en positiv resultatutveckling, ser vi tecken på att ChromoGenics arbete mot att transfor...
ChromoGenics publicerade idag den 12 november 2021 sin delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2021.
Genom att öka kapaciteten och samtidigt ta kontroll över den egna produktionen förbereder sig ChromoGenics nu för att skala upp försäljninge...
ChromoGenics publicerade idag den 26 augusti sin delårsrapport för årets andra kvartal.