Cantargia has announced that it has completed recruiting patients (n=102) for the randomised Phase II TRIFOUR trial, which is evaluating nad...
Cantargia has reported encouraging pharmacokinetic data from the first cohort in the multiple ascending dose portion of the CAN10 study.
Redeye is positive about the multiple ascending dose data being in line with previous single ascending dose data.
Cantargia står inför ett avgörande år med viktiga milstolpar redan under innevarande kvartal.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q4 report. The company faces a major catalyst in the first placebo-controlled readout of nadunolimab towards ...
Redeye comments on Göran Forsberg leaving as CEO with Damian Marron from the board taking the role as interim CEO.
Cantargia lägger om planen för nadunolimab-projektet och prioriterar en validerad diagnostikmetod inför en framtida fas 2b-studie i bukspott...
Redeye comments on Cantargia’s Q3 report, the proposed rights issue of SEK170m and the plans to focus on IL1RAP-high patients.
Redeye comments on the rights issue of SEK170m announced yesterday.
Redeye comments on the CESTAFOUR and CAPAFOUR results published today.
Cantargia söker finansiering för att inleda en fas 2b-studie med antikroppen nadunolimab på patienter med metastaserad cancer i bukspottkört...
Redeye comments on new data from PANFOUR in lung cancer and CIRIFOUR in combination with pembrolizumab.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q2 report. CAN10 is progressing according to plan with proof-of-mechanism established in the single-dose coho...
Cantargia levererar ett positivt nyhetsflöde kring bolagets andra kliniska projekt, CAN10.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q1 report. The main thing that stands out is the great Q/Q cost reduction.
Cantargia today reported the preparations for the clinical trial of nadunolimab in leukaemia is going according to plan.
Cantargia flaggar för att inleda en proof-of-concept studie som förstahandsval vid metastaserad bukspottkörtelcancer.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q4 report, which contains progress with CAN10 and with nadunolimab in pancreatic cancer, now ready for a phas...
Redeye comments on the FDA approval to start a randomized phase IIb study with nadunolimab in pancreatic cancer.
Cantargia går vidare mot fas 2-resultat i bolagets TRIFOUR-studie, stärkt av ett positivt utfall i den mindre fas 1-delen.
Redeye comments on the directed share issue of SEK59m to the main institutional investors, which sets the company up for readouts with CAN10...
Redeye comments on the new positive results in triple-negative breast cancer presented at ESMO this weekend.
Cantargia will present new clinical data at the AACR 2023 relating to IL1RAP in pancreatic cancer, the summary of which was published today.
We have now included acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in our sum-of-the-parts valuation.
Redeye is optimistic about Cantargia’s new clinical trial of nadunolimab in acute myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.
Redeye provides a brief comment on CAN10 obtaining orphan drug designation from the FDA.
Minskade investeringar i kliniska prövningar bidrar till att kassan ska räcka till mitten av nästa år.
Redeye comments on Cantargia’s second quarter report 2023.
Redeye comments on the new readout in non-small cell lung cancer presented at ASCO 2023.
Redeye reviews Cantargia’s first quarter report. Since our last update (Q4 2022), important results have been published at the AACR meeting,...
Redeye comments on Cantargia's new strategy to study nadunolimab in a controlled phase IIb study in pancreatic cancer, which we believe is m...
Nya data underbygger effekten hos nadunolimab och det är fortsatt dröjsmål i PanCAN-studien.
Redeye comments on Cantargia’s completed enrolment of NSCLC patients in CANFOUR on April 21.
Cantargia has presented new data from the Phase I/IIa CANFOUR trial at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2023 meeting.
Cantargia yesterday published important results in pancreatic cancer at the AARC annual meeting.
Redeye believes the new biomarker results with nadunolimab to be presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 validate the scientific understan...
Cantargia is a clinical-stage biotechnology company with lead asset nadunolimab (CAN04) under assessment for several oncology indications.
Q4 vittnar om försening inom PanCAN-studien samt framsteg inom ny indikation.
Following a period of increased clinical activity, Q422, as we noted previously, saw Cantargia narrow its development focus to its three mos...
In the fourth quarter, Cantargia continued with its ongoing programs and strategy.
Redeye sees the FDA's fast track designation for EVX-01 as a validation of the personalised vaccin approach.
Redeye is favourable towards the new preclinical results with CAN10 but believes that the share price rally on Friday, and this year in gene...
Cantargia fokuserar resurserna på avgörande randomiserade studier.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's third quarter report and events after the end of the quarter, including the decision to pause three trials.
Cantargia has presented new data concerning its IL1RAP-targeting antibody, nadunolimab (CAN04), which demonstrates the drug’s ability to red...
Redeye comments on the preliminary results from CAPAFOUR and CESTAFOUR and the decision not to continue recruitment in these trials and CIRI...
Cantargia announced the first patient treatment under the extension arm of its Phase Ib clinical trial CIRIFOUR, evaluating lead asset CAN04...
Efter sommarens nyemission kan en PoC-studie inom lugncancer för CAN04 börja planeras.
The interim clinical data in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic duct adenocarcinoma cancer (PDAC) (presented at ASCO 2022) is...
The two main events during and after the second quarter were the positive results from ASCO 2022 and the rights issue.
Cantargia's Q2 report offered few surprises. In our view, the main highlight of the quarter was the ASCO conference, where the company revea...
Cantargia reported its Q2 numbers for 2022 this morning with an operating loss of SEK -95.
Redeye updates its valuation of Cantargia after the terms of its rights issue have been announced.
Redeye provides a comment on Cantargia’s recently announced rights issue.
We attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference in Chicago on 3-7 June, at which Cantargia revealed positive interim...
Cantargia presented positive interim data at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2022 the past weekend.
Fortsatt positiv data för utvecklingen av projektet nadunolimab, som i Juni ska presenteras på en världsledande konferens i USA.
Redeye has a favourable view of the topline results presented by Cantargia at ASCO 2022, which we discuss in this note.
Cantargia’s Q122 results were in line with our expectations.
While the Q1 report offered few surprises, the Novartis subset analysis of CANOPY-1 was an important event as it confirmed Cantargia's appro...
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q1 report 2022.
This morning, Cantargia reported its Q1 numbers for 2022 with an operating loss of SEK 122m, 14% more negative vs our estimates at SEK -107m...
Novartis presented new data from its CANOPY-1 trial at the AARC annual meeting yesterday.
Redeye updates its view on Cantargia following a period that has brought promising trial results and the initiation of several new clinical ...
Cantargia har ingått ett fördelaktigt samarbete med PanCAN, vilket mer än halverar finansieringsbehovet för bolagets PDAC-program.
We argue that Cantargia stands well-equipped for 2022, following a year of positive readouts and recently initiated studies.
Redeye comments on Cantargia's Q4 report.
Cantargia posted its Q4 numbers this morning with an operating loss of SEK 105.