Binero IT has outlined ambitious financial goals, aiming for solid organic growth and improved profitability.
Redeye comments on Binero IT’s H2-24 results. Sales were SEK212m in the second half of the year, representing a Y/Y growth of 387% due to th...
Redeye offers a preview of Binero's H2-24 results set to be released on February 21.
Binero Group acquires 100% of IT Partner i Tromsø AS (Serit Tromsø).
H1 2024 net Sales reached SEK204m, a 319% increase year-on-year, following the reverse acquisition of Infrateq and the acquisition of Xpeedi...
Sales and profitability were weaker than expected; however, Redeye views this half-year period as being impacted by the Infrateq acquisition...
Binero announced cost savings measures with an expected SEK15m effect on EBIT from the fourth quarter of 2024.
Redeye states the report’s highlights were good AAR growth within the Cloud and good cost control, but sales and earnings were below expecta...
Redeye states that the report was below expectations on sales and profitability.
Binero proposed a merger with Infrateq in an all-stock deal.
Binero released 9-month figures due to a potential transaction.
Redeye provides a research update following Binero’s H1 2023 report, being the first time the company provides half-year reporting.
Redeye gives an initial take on Binero’s H1 2023 report, being the first time the company provides half-year reporting.
Redeye comments on the outcome of Binero’s rights issue, which brings in a total of cSEK0.
Redeye comments on Binero’s directed share issue and a proposed rights issue, amounting to a total of cSEK14m.
Redeye retains its positive view of Binero following the Q4 2022 report.
Redeye gives an initial take on Binero’s Q4 2022 report.
Redeye makes forecast adjustments following Binero’s Q3 2022 report, which saw revenues somewhat below our expectations but an EBITDA clearl...
Redeye will make forecast adjustments following Binero’s Q3 2022 report, where the revenues came in below our expectations while the EBITDA ...
Redeye makes minor forecast adjustments following Binero’s Q2’22 report.
Redeye will likely make minor forecast adjustments following Binero’s Q2’22 report, where the revenues and EBITDA came in below our expectat...
Redeye gives a short comment on yesterday’s announcement of the CEO change in Binero.
Redeye retains its positive view of Binero while making minor forecast adjustments following its Q1’22 report.
Redeye’s preliminary revisions suggest minor adjustments to Binero’s 2022E and 2023E following its Q1’22.
Redeye initiates coverage of Binero, a B2B cloud and platform provider based on open source, data integrity, and sustainability.