Redeye sees another quarter where AroCell delivers sales relatively in line with our estimates and continue to have good cost control.
Redeye is encouraged to see AroCell recording its first quarter with a positive cash flow, and the report solidifies our take on the coming ...
Redeye makes some minor estimate changes following the report (lowering sales from TUBEX in Africa), but we are encouraged to hear more conc...
Redeye leaves its estimates and valuation untouched following the report.
Redeye continues to see good cost control and highlights that the low y/y sales growth can be partly explained by a shift in revenue recogni...
Redeye emphasises that AroCell continues to go unnoticed by the stock market, with stable sales development, ongoing geographical expansion,...
Redeye sees an unrecognized business with stable sales development, ongoing geographical expansion, and good cost control.
Redeye notes a quarter showing continuing sales growth for AroCell with good cost control.
Redeye continues to be positively surprised by the cost improvements by AroCell and believes the IDL Biotech's cost synergies to be in full ...
Redeye returns with a more detailed take on the Q2 report and notes lower costs than expected and anticipate a continuous upswing of TUBEX s...
Redeye returns with a more in-depth take on NeoDynamics following the Q1 report.
Redeye embraces AroCell’s Q1’22 report, demonstrating good cost control and higher sales than expected (albeit still in small figures).
Redeye returns with a more detailed take on the Q4 report with some estimate changes, primarily for the two coming years.
Redeye notes a relatively decent quarter for AroCell, which is currently trading under our Bear Case with an EV reflecting considerably low ...
Redeye resumes its coverage of AroCell following the rights issue adding SEK 86m (before transaction costs) to the company's balance sheet.
Redeye comments on the Q2 report and shortly discusses the two major events during and after the quarter, setting a new direction for AroCel...
Redeye is surprised by the recently announced withdrawal of AroCell’s FDA application, which effectively cut its share price in half.
Redeye will return with an update following the recent successful fusion with IDL Biotech last week.