Redeye comments on Amniotics' H1 report 2024, which will likely be its last before the merger with Magle.
We had a chat with Justin Pierce, CEO of the Magle Group, and Marcus Larsson, CEO of Amniotics, about the recently announced merger of the c...
Redeye leaves a comment following the announced merger between Magle Group and Amniotics yesterday.
Redeye comments on the critical financial situation of Amniotics and the rejection of the acquisition offer from Magle Chemoswed.
Redeye comments on the public offer to acquire Amniotics and the short-term capital obtained yesterday.
Redeye comments on Amniotics’ Q4 report. The company will need funding before it can start an investigator-sponsored clinical trial in lung ...
Redeye comments on Amniotics' Q3 report, including the rights issue and latest development with the main candidate PulmoStem.
Redeye has a positive view of PulmoStem obtaining orphan drug designation for lung transplantation from the EMA, which we discuss briefly.
Redey resumes coverage of Amniotics after the conclusion of the rights issue.
Redeye comments on the outcome of the exercise of warrants series TO 2, which was a healthy 78%, though it will only bring in SEK4.
Redeye comments on the topline results from the phase I study of PulmoStem.
Amniotics finished the clinical trial of Pulmostem in Q1 and is now analysing the data.
Redeye updates its view on Amniotics following the 2023 rights issue and new strategy focusing on business development for its stem cell pro...
The outcome of Amniotic’s rights issue was announced yesterday, March 13.
Redeye comments on the phase Ib study of PulmoStem that was completed before schedule.
Redeye comments on the events of the fourth quarter, including progress with the main candidate PulmoStem and the rights issue.
Redeye comments on the rights issue announced yesterday evening.
Redeye is optimistic about the safety data reported by Amniotics yesterday, which we comment in this research note.
Redeye is optimistic about the grant agreement with the European Innovation Council that will fund an Amniotics-led consortium developing de...
Redeye comments on the events of the third quarter, including progress with the main candidate PulmoStem and the selection of a new CEO.
Redeye discusses the initiation of the phase Ib clinical trial with Pulmostem.
Q2 var en händelserik period för Amniotics, bland annat tillträder en ny VD, finansiering har säkrats och första produkten är redo för fas I...
Redeye comments on Amniotics' second quarter report and updates its Base Case.
Redeye comments on Amniotics' first quarter and updates its Base Case.
Redeye comments on Amniotic's announcement of a loan arrangement.
Redeye is optimistic about PulmoStem in lung transplantation following positive results in a preclinical study using pigs.
Redeye is encouraged by today’s news that Amniotic’s phase I/II trial with Pulmostem has been approved by the regulatory authorities.
Redeye provides a comment on Amniotics’ Q4 report.
Analysguiden inleder bevakning av stamcellsbolaget Amniotics med riktkurs 24 kronor.