Redeye is positive about the HOVON study starting recruitment and provides a brief comment.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech’s Q4 report. The main event in the quarter was the oversubscribed rights issue.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's 2024 rights issue and updates its base case.
Active Biotechs nya huvudfokus på myelofibros närmar sig start av två studier.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's Q3 report. During the quarter, Active Biotech reported laquinimod concentrations in the vitreous segment...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech’s rights issue of SEK35m with a subscription price of SEK 0.
Redeye comments on an early readout from the intraocular biodistribution study of laquinimod that is ongoing in the US.
Active Biotechs samarbete i USA kring tasquinimod har påbörjat rekrytering till en fas 2-studie inom bencancertypen myelofibros, bolagets hu...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's Q2 report. New results with naptumomab + docetaxel were presented by NeoTX in the quarter, with inconclu...
Redeye comments on the latest readout from the trial of tasquinimod in multiple myeloma.
Redeye comments on the readout from the phase IIa study of naptumomab in combination with docetaxel in lung cancer conducted by NeoTX.
Active Biotech laddar för två akademiskt ledda studier inom sitt nya huvudområde, myelofibros.
Redeye provides its view of Active Biotech's first quarter report of 2024.
Redeye comments on the phase I biodistribution study with laquinimod eye drops and why it is important.
Active Biotech flaggar för tre nya studier under 2024 samtidigt som den pågående studien inom multipelt myelom närmar sig slutförande.
Redeye provides its view of Active Biotech's fourth quarter report of 2023 and updates it base case.
Redeye comments on the result of Active Biotech's rights issue.
Bolaget har förslagit en nyemission på 51 mkr för att täcka behovet av rörelsekapital.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's Q3 report and the rights issue that was simultaneously announced.
Redeye comments on tasquinimod’s advancement into the phase IIa part in multiple myeloma.
Bolaget har avslutat en strategisk översyn av de helägda tillgångarna tasquinimod och laquinimod.
Active Biotech will move the focus of the clinical development of tasquinimod to myelofibrosis, which is an indication with a high unmet nee...
Active Biotech has published new data in an ASCO 2023 abstract from the phase I/IIa study of tasquinimod in multiple myeloma, which show a p...
En strategisk översyn av planerade kliniska prövningar har inletts.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech’s Q1 report. After the end of Q1, results from naptumomab’s phase I/IIa study with durvalumab were publish...
NeoTX, the partner of Active Biotech developing naptumomab estafenatox, has presented new results from the phase I/IIa trial combining naptu...
Bolagets pågående studier fortlöper men nuvarande kassaförbränning indikerar ett finansieringsbehov.
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's report for the fourth quarter and discusses events and the status of the clinical programs.
Redeye raises its Base Case slightly following the positive conclusion of the phase I trial with laquinimod.
Active Biotechs båda NAP-projekt är på väg mot avläsning och bolaget kassa har fyllts på för att garantera att pågående studier kan avslutas...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's report for the third quarter and discusses several near-term milestones.
Redeye comments on the results of Active Biotech’s rights issue.
Vi noterar hög aktivitet bland bolagets kliniska projekt och nu avser Active Biotech att fylla på kassan för att säkra slutförandet av pågåe...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech's second quarter report and the rights issue that was simultaneously announced.
Redeye views the successful completion of the first stage of the phase IIa clinical trial of naptumomab in combination with docetaxel as pro...
Watch the company presentation ahead of Redeye Growth Day 2022.
Redeye has a positive view of Active Biotech’s obtaining orphan drug status.
Utvecklingen går framåt och vi på Analysguiden räknar med att samtliga av Biotechs tre projekt under året kan redovisa någon form av säkerhe...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech’s first quarter report and updates its valuation and forecast.
Två helägda projekt tar tydliga steg framåt. Positiva besked från Fas-1 studierna banar väg för att Fas-2 kan inledas under 2023.
Redeye revisits its valuation of early-stage biotech company Active after significant progress across its three candidates, but also delays ...
Redeye comments on Active Biotech’s year end report for 2021.
Active Biotech aviserade nyligen ett första resultat för tasquinimod i den pågående fas 1-studien i USA och att man genast avser gå in i stu...
Active Biotech uppdaterar sin utvecklingsplan avseende laquinimod som behandling mot ögonsjukdomen uveit.
Redeye has a positive view on the recent report from the partnered NAP project and the expected news flow from the project portfolio during ...