AAC Clyde Space (AAC) remains an interesting avenue into the fast-growing low Earth orbital space sector.
AAC Clyde Space offers exposure to the fast-growing low Earth orbit space market.
AAC Clyde Space has announced the acquisition of Spacemetric for a total consideration of SEK25m (including SEK9m subject to a performance e...
In FY23, AAC was largely affected by continuing supplier delays, which compromised the anticipated delivery of subsystems and delayed projec...
AAC Clyde Space's (AAC’s) Q323 report was encouraging, although it benefited from a large element of licence income without which the underl...
AAC Clyde Space made strong progress in H123, with revenues up 65% and positive EBITDA.
AAC Clyde Space has confirmed the acceleration of the xSPANCION satellite project following completion of the capital raise, which has provi...
AAC Clyde Space has announced a rights issue to raise SEK73.
AAC Clyde Space (AAC) has reported very strong progression in Q123, in part due to booking deferred revenues from FY22.
AAC Clyde Space continued to experience supply chain delays in Q422, which further constrained performance.
AAC Clyde Space’s Q322 report showed improved momentum but also the deferral of project milestones into FY23 from FY22 as some satellite lau...
AAC Clyde Space continued to be constrained by the supply chain issues that have persisted across the space industry in Q222.
AAC Clyde Space continues to make progress, although supplier issues constrained Q321.