YIT’s committed revolving credit facility acceeded in security arrangement
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YIT’s committed revolving credit facility acceeded in security arrangement

YIT Corporation Stock Exchange Release 12 February 2024 at 14:00 p.m. 

YIT’s committed revolving credit facility acceeded in security arrangement 

YIT’s EUR 300 million committed revolving credit facility has today acceeded in the security arrangement agreed in connection with the financing agreement announced on 21 November 2023. Committed revolving credit facility was unsecured before this. The security arrangement has been concluded taking into account the restrictions in other financing agreements. 

For further information: 
Markus Pietikäinen, SVP, Treasury and M&A, [email protected]  

YIT Corporation 

Tuomas Mäkipeska 

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, principal media, www.yitgroup.com  

YIT is a leading construction and development company. Building on over 110 years of experience, we develop and build sustainable living environments: functional homes, future-proof public and commercial buildings, and infrastructure to support the green transition. We employ approximately 4,300 professionals in eight countries. Our revenue in 2023 was EUR 2.2 billion. YIT Corporation's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.  

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