YIT has signed a contract on the renovation of the K2 city block with Senate Properties
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YIT has signed a contract on the renovation of the K2 city block with Senate Properties


YIT Corporation Investor News 19 November 2024 at 8:00 a.m.

YIT has signed a contract on the renovation of the K2 city block with Senate Properties

YIT and Senate Properties have signed a contract on the renovation and alteration of the K2 city block, which is located in the centre of Helsinki and houses government activities. The contract area includes the buildings of the Government Quarter, i.e. Kirkkokatu 12 and 14, Pihapaviljonki, Snellmaninkatu 7 and Hallituskatu 3. The buildings are partly protected, and the project will be carried out under a project management contract. The scope of the project is about 15,000 gross square metres, in addition to which earthworks and blasting will be performed as part of the contract. The value of the contract to YIT is approximately EUR 40 million, and it will be recorded in the order book for the fourth quarter of the year.

The work will kick off at the end of 2024 and it is slated for completion by the end of 2026. The safety, energy efficiency and accessibility of buildings will be improved, and construction work related to the courtyard and logistical connections will also be carried out. In connection with the renovation, the workspaces will be modifiable and the building technology will be renewed.

Circular economy targets, such as a 24% reduction in the carbon footprint, have been set for the project. In addition, building components and furnishings will be reclaimed and reused. The energy used throughout the construction is generated in an environmentally friendly manner. The project is aiming for four stars in the RTS environmental rating.

For more information:
YIT Group Communications
, tel. +358 44 743 7536, [email protected]

Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, major media, www.yitgroup.com

YIT is a leading construction and project development company. With our more than 110 years of experience, we develop and build sustainable living environments: functional homes for housing, public and commercial buildings for the needs of the future, and infrastructure to promote the green transition. The company employs approximately 4,300 professionals in eight countries, and our turnover in 2023 was EUR 2.2 billion. YIT Corporation’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

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