Year-end report - Börskollen
Börskollen - Aktier, fonder och ekonominyheter


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Year-end report

January 1 – December 30, 2024

The fourth quarter in figures

  • Net sales were TSEK 8,598 (5,764), +49%.
  • The loss after tax was TSEK 17,462 (20,541).
  • The loss per share was SEK 0.08 (0.17).
  • The cash flow from current operations was negative in the amount of TSEK 12,548 (17,352).
  • The gross margin was 68.5% (73.5%).
  • Electrode sales volume increased by 42% and was 17,132 (12,044) units. Repeat sales of electrodes to existing customers increased by 36%.

January - December in figures

  • Net sales were TSEK 29,705 (23,245), +28%.
  • The loss after tax was TSEK 61,125 (55,585).
  • The loss per share was SEK 0.34 (0.51).
  • The cash flow from current operations was negative in the amount of TSEK 57,383 (51,984).
  • The gross margin was 71.0% (69.0%).
  • Electrode sales volume increased by 20% and was 62,210 (51,920) units. Repeat sales of electrodes to existing customers increased by 16%.

Important events during the quarter

  • Overall sales increased by 49% (+49%, before currency effects). Sales in Germany within the skin cancer segment increased by 27% (26% in local currency).  Sales in the US skin cancer market increased by 319% while the sales within the skin barrier segment decreased by 21%.
  • The Board decided on a directed issue of approximately SEK 22.5 million and a rights issue of up to approximately SEK 59.3 million. The capital raise was subsequently approved by an EGM on December 13, 2024 and a prospectus was published on December 20.
  • SciBase initiated sales collaboration in Italy.
  • An interesting case study highlighting the use of Nevisense as a skin barrier assessment device in monitoring treatment outcomes in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) was published. The study, conducted by a team of researchers at Koç University in Istanbul, demonstrates the potential of Nevisense to revolutionize the way AD patients are treated and monitored.
  • A Nomination Committee has been appointed for SciBase Holding’s Annual General Meeting in 2025.

Important events after the end of the     period

  • SciBase announced that Mayo Clinic, the leading US hospital, will test Nevisense in a Pilot.
  • SciBase announced the final outcome of directed issue and rights issue.
  • Nevisense (EIS) included in updated German (S1) imaging guidelines and mentioend as a technology for detecting Melanoma and Non-Melanoma skin cancer.
  • SciBase continues to expand in the US, on-boarding Several US Dermatology Practices that Specialize in Skin Cancer Detection.
Oct 1 - Dec 31 Jan 1 -Dec 31
THE GROUP 2024 2023 2024 2023
Net sales, SEK ths 8 598 5 764 29 705 23 245
Gross margin, % 68,5% 73,5% 71,0% 69,0%
Equity/Asset ratio, % 59,4% 66,9% 59,4% 66,9%
Net indebtness, multiple 0,68 0,49 0,68 0,49
Cash equivalents, SEK ths 11 245 34 121 11 245 34 121
Cashflow from operating activities, SEK ths -12 548 -17 352 -57 383 -51 984
Earnings per share (before and after dilution), SEK -0,08 -0,17 -0,34 -0,51
Shareholder's equity per share, SEK 0,17 0,36 0,21 0,40
Average number of shares, 000'* 219 538 119 831 177 994 107 980
Number of shares at closing of period, 000'* 219 538 119 831 219 538 119 831
Share price at end of period, SEK 0,41 0,83 0,41 0,83
Number of sold electrodes, pieces 17 132 12 044 62 210 51 920
Average number of employees 29 26 28 23
*Excluding BTA from ongoing new share issue

This information is information that SciBase Holding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 08.00 CET on February 25, 2025.

This interim report report has not been subject to review by the Company’s auditors

Contact person:

Michael Colérus, CFO, +46 70 341 34 72

For additional information, please contact: Pia Renaudin, CEO, tel. +46732069802, e-mail: [email protected] 

Certified Advisor (CA):

Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) Phone: +46 (0)73 856 42 65 E-mail: [email protected]

About SciBase 

SciBase is a global medical technology company, specializing in early detection and prevention in dermatology. SciBase develops and commercializes Nevisense, a unique point-of-care platform that combines AI (artificial intelligence) and advanced EIS technology to enhance diagnostic accuracy, ensuring proactive skin health management.

Our commitment is to minimize patient suffering, allowing clinicians to improve and save lives through timely detection and intervention and reduce healthcare costs.

Built on more than 20 years of research at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, SciBase is a leader in dermatological advancements.

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