Wetteri Oyj's shareholders' nomination committee's proposal for the 2024 annual general meeting
Wetteri Plc Stock Exchange Release 19 April 2024 at 16.30 EET
The nomination committee of Wetteri Oyj's shareholders has submitted its proposal to the annual general meeting.
The shareholders' nomination committee proposes to the general meeting re-election of Markku Kankaala, Martti Haapala, Mikael Malmsten, Satu Mehtälä, Hannu Pärssinen and Aarne Simula to the board. The board started its work on December 9, 2022.
In addition, the nomination committee proposes that the chairman of the board be paid 5,500 euros per month and the board member 3,000 euros per month. A meeting fee for the membership of the committees is also proposed, 500 euros for the chairman of the committee and 300 euros for the committee member.
Additional information
Aarne Simula, CEO and President, Wetteri Plc
Tel. 0400 689 613, [email protected]
Wetteri Plc – An Entrepreneur-Driven Automotive Growth Company
Wetteri Plc is an entrepreneur-driven growth company in the automotive industry. In addition to the retail trade of passenger, utility and heavy-duty vehicles, the Company provides maintenance and damage repair services from passenger cars to heavy-duty vehicles. The Company has 49 offices in its home country, headquartered in Oulu. The company employs around 1000 people, of whom nearly 70% work in maintenance and repair services. Wetteri promotes digitalisation in the automotive sector and is an important player on the common journey towards emission-free motoring. More information: sijoittajat.wetteri.fi/en/