Vaisala Corporation: Disclosure in compliance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (February 26, 2025)
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Vaisala Corporation: Disclosure in compliance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (February 26, 2025)

Vaisala Corporation
Stock exchange release
February 28, 2025 at 11:45 a.m. (EET)

Vaisala Corporation: Disclosure in compliance with Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act (February 26, 2025)

Vaisala Corporation has on February 26, 2025, received a notification pursuant to Chapter 9, Section 10 of the Finnish Securities Markets Act from Mandatum Oyj.

According to the notification, on February 26, 2025, Mandatum Oyj’s votes in Vaisala Corporation, including holding through financial instruments, fell below the threshold of five (5) percent of shares. Vaisala Corporation’s series K shares were partly converted to series A shares. As a result, Mandatum Oyj’s share of votes fell below five percent.

According to the notification of Mandatum Oyj:

 % of shares and voting rights (total of 7.A)% of shares and voting rights through financial instruments (total of 7.B)Total of both in % (7.A + 7.B)Total number of shares and voting rights of issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached1.14% of shares

0.44% of votes
 1.14% of shares

0.44% of votes

95,206,160 votes
Position of previous notification (if applicable)2.38 % of shares

5.76 % of votes
 2.38 % of shares

5.76 % of votes

A: Shares and voting rights
Class / type of shares

ISIN-code (if possible)
Number of shares and voting rights% of shares and voting rights

(SMA 9:5)

(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)

(SMA 9:5)

(SMA 9:6 and 9:7)
Vaisala Oyj A


416,109 votes
 1.14% of shares

0.44% of votes
SUBTOTAL A416,109 shares

416,109 votes
 1.14% of shares

0.44% of votes

X   Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity:
Name% of shares and voting rights% of shares and voting rights through financial instrumentsTotal of both
Mandatum Oyj000
Mandatum Life Insurance Companybelow 5%0below 5%
Mandatum Asset Management Oy000
Mandatum Fund Management S.A.000
Mandatum SICAV-UCITS Mandatum Nordic Active Ownership Equity Fundbelow 5%0below 5%

Vaisala Corporation’s share capital is divided into series K and series A shares. The total number of shares is 36,436,728 shares, of which 3,093,128 are series K shares and 33,343,600 series A shares. Series A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The series K shares and series A shares are differentiated by the fact that each series K share entitles its owner to 20 votes at a General Meeting of Shareholders while each series A share entitles its owner to 1 vote. The series A shares represented 91.51% of the total number of shares and 35,02% of the total votes. The series K shares represented 8.49% of the total number of shares and 64.98% of the total votes. The total amount of votes attached to all shares is 95,206,160. The total number of series A treasury shares is 152,149.

More information
Niina Ala-Luopa
+358 400 728 957, [email protected]

Nasdaq Helsinki
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Vaisala is a global leader in measurement instruments and intelligence for climate action. We equip our customers with devices and data to improve resource efficiency, drive energy transition, and care for the safety and well-being of people and societies worldwide. With almost 90 years of innovation and expertise, we employ a team of close to 2,500 experts committed to taking every measure for the planet. Vaisala series A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.

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