Use of Photocatalysis in Copenhagen
December 16th 2021
Use of Photocatalysis in Copenhagen
Photocat informs that the political parties Radikale Venstre and Socialistisk Folkeparti in Copenhagen have proposed that the use of Photocatalysis should be extended to road restoration, areas around children daycare/kindergartens and schools. The proposal was approved unanimously by the members of the council. Link to proposal.
This is important and will mark a significant increase in the use of photocatalysis in Denmark. This decision will be important beyond Copenhagen says Henrik Sarfelt from Photocat. He expects that sales will increase to this market segment with a factor of at least 2 starting already in 2022 and sales were around 700 tDKK in 2021 in this market he said.
Photocat is very proud that our long-term professional relations with the City of Copenhagen can turn into endorsement and acknowledgement for the photocatalytic technology. The photocatalytic technology creates value for society as well as support our important contribution to UN SDG number 11 says Henrik Jensen, CTO Photocat.
Photocat expects that with the endorsement and acceptance of the Copenhagen Council is important. The health-related value coming from photocatalytic surfaces is significant in itself. Together with latest recommendations on NO2 thresholds from WHO there is a strong urge for cities to deal with air quality.
For yderligere Information, venligst kontakt:
Michael Humle, CEO, Photocat A/S Tel: +45 2210 2523
e-mail: [email protected]
Photocat A/S is obliged to publicize this information in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at CET 13:00 on December 16th 2021.
About Photocat
Photocat manufactures patented coating materials for both outdoor and indoor applications with the effect to degrade NOx and VOC´s when exposed to light. Both NOx and VOC’s are severely damaging to human health. Photocat’s patented technology is a very efficient and an economically viable alternative to many of the traditional technologies targeting NOx (e.g. bus catalysts, flue gas cleaning etc.). Photocat’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, First North with the ticker symbol PCAT. The company’s Certified Advisor is Mangold Fondkommision AB, 08-50301550 – [email protected].
Photocat A/S (publ) l Langebjerg 4 DK-4000 Roskilde l Tel: +45 7022 5055 l