Update to news on Shape Robotics receiving new order of 50 Thinken flagship products for the Polish market as part of the Lenovo 3PO (Third Party Offering) partnership
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Update to news on Shape Robotics receiving new order of 50 Thinken flagship products for the Polish market as part of the Lenovo 3PO (Third Party Offering) partnership

Herlev, Denmark – 23 January 2025 – Following the earlier release of the investor news related to the new order of 50 Thinken flagship products for the Polish market as part of the Lenovo 3PO (Third Party Offering) partnership, the company further indicates that the value of the order is of around 1,5 million euro.

Additional information
Mark Abraham, CEO
Tlf.: +45 31 65 64 50

CVR-nr. 38322656

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