Two Brain+ grant applications pass first evaluation gate with unanimous support from evaluators

Copenhagen, Denmark, September 13, 2023 – Brain+ A/S (Nasdaq First North: BRAINP)
- The EIC Accelerator application of DKK 60 million in grant and equity funding, submitted in late August to support the CST-Home Care product, has passed to the 2nd and final evaluation round with unanimous evaluator support
- The application for a DKK 4 million CO-PI grant also submitted in August to support the implementation of CST-Therapist Companion in Denmark, has passed the first screening and expanded answers have been submitted
- For both grants, as well as for the InnoBooster grant, final answers are expected in Q4 2023
In August 2023, Brain+ submitted three public grant applications to raise a total of up to DKK 67 million in soft and equity funding (See News Release from 25 August 2023). The applications cover the company’s two most mature digital therapeutics; the CST-Therapist Companion and the CST-Home Care. Both products are software-based offerings to scale the implementation and therapeutic use of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to improve cognitive function in people with mild to moderate dementia.
Two of the applications, i.e. the EIC Accelerator grant application of DKK 60 million and the CO-PI grant application of DKK 4 million, have now passed the first evaluation round with final answers expected in November-December. The third application for an InnoBooster grant is in the evaluation process with a final answer also expected in Q4 2023.
Grant applications, and in particular applications for larger grants, most often pass through several evaluation steps before a final decision is reached. For each evaluation step passed, the probability of acceptance increases, as fewer and fewer applications are in play. Each passing of an evaluation gate also shows that external expert evaluators have positively considered the project behind the application on a number of key grant criteria such as business potential, feasabilty, excellence and evidence.
As for the supportive comments, Brain+ has received from the EIC Accelerator evaluators for its CST-Home Care project to be selected for the 2nd and final evaluation round, see below:
Selected evaluator comments
(The evaluators’ personal information is undisclosed)
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is one of the most promising treatments for people with mild to moderate dementia and as such it outperforms most of the psycho-social therapies that are common practice today. It has the potential to create new markets that are practically nonexistent or underdeveloped, when considering software as a service in the home health care market.
The timing for this innovation is perfect in terms of societal-, science- and technology trends. The market (numbers of people affected) will keep on growing and for the foreseeable future there are no other therapies (pharmaceutical or other) that can bring alleviation for this target group. At best, CST will be further enhanced by other innovations in this health sector. (Evaluator – undisclosed)
The scale-up potential is obvious. Practically each and every component of this innovation project can be further developed, expanded, and optimized. It can be expected that collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry might yield exponential growth. (Evaluator – undisclosed)
The team is highly qualified to implement this proposal. The scientific foundation is solid, the technological development is well covered and the training of health professionals is taken care of. (Evaluator – undisclosed)
Contact Information
CEO and Co-founder, Kim Baden-Kristensen
+ 45 31 39 33 17