Trophy Games releases their new title Shipping Manager - Börskollen
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Trophy Games releases their new title Shipping Manager

Press Release - 1 December 2022

Trophy Games has just released Shipping Manager in 100+ countries on Android mobile and globally for PC. Shipping Manager is a new game in the Transport series.

After the acquisition of Xombat in 2021 and their game Airline Manager, a game that has nine-doubled its revenue since the acquisition, it has been our plan to build a portfolio of games based on the Airline Manager code and game design. Shipping Manager is the first of these games. 

We are very excited about the prospects of this game in the light of Airline Managers revenue YTD by the end of September 2022 was DKK 19.3m. 

The plan is to polish the game over the next couple of months and then move the development team to the third transport game, Truck Manager. The production of the fourth transport game, Train Manager, has already begun.

It is the goal in 2023 to have a big series of transport manager games both on mobile and PC based on the same code framework run by a relatively small team. We will be looking into opportunities for cross promotion and a shared user account between the games.


About Trophy Games

Trophy Games is an innovative, Denmark-based game studio who develops and publishes mobile and PC games.

Contact Information

Søren Gleie, CEO at Trophy Games - Email: [email protected]

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Press Release - Shipping Manager Release - Dec 2022.docx

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