Treasury shares exceeding 5% of the share capital and voting rights
In accordance with Section 31 of the Danish Capital Markets Act it is hereby announced, that H+H International A/S (hereinafter referred to as “H+H” or “the Company”) owns a total of 878,931 treasury shares of nominally DKK 10 (in total nominally DKK 8,789,310), equal to 5.02% of the total share capital and the total voting rights in the Company and thereby exceeding the major shareholder threshold of 5%.
The threshold of 5% was reached on 30 September 2022 as a result of the current share buy-back programme of up to DKK 150 million, initiated 4 March 2022, see company announcement No. 469 of 3 March 2022.
The share buy-back programme is carried out with the objective of adjusting the capital structure of H+H, and it is expected that any shares bought back under the programme, which are not used to meet obligations relating to the Company’s share-based incentive programs, will be proposed cancelled at the Annual General Meeting in 2023.
For further information please contact:
Peter Klovgaard-Jørgensen
Chief Financial Officer
+45 35 27 02 00
[email protected]