Transactions in connection with share buyback programme - Börskollen
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Transactions in connection with share buyback programme

Company Announcement

Copenhagen, 17 March 2024
No. 20/2025

Transactions in connection with share buyback programme
ISS A/S, a leading workplace experience and facility management company, announced on 20 February 2025 a new share buyback programme, see company announcement no. 12/2025. The share buyback programme is executed in accordance Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (the “Market Abuse Regulation”) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016, also referred to as the Safe Harbour Regulation.

Through the programme, ISS wishes to redistribute excess cash to shareholders. The purpose of the share buy-back programme is to (i) reduce the share capital and (ii) meet obligations arising from ISS’ share-based incentive programmes.

Under the programme, ISS will repurchase shares for a maximum consideration of DKK 2.5 billion from 20 February 2025 to 13 February 2026 at the latest, both days inclusive. The first tranche of up to DKK 1,250 million commenced on 20 February 2025 and will complete no later than 11 August 2025.

The following transactions have been made under the programme:

 Number of sharesAverage purchase price, DKKTransaction value, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement784,630163.66128,409,385
10 March 202552,872161.878,558,147
11 March 202564,382161.5010,397,384
12 March 202583,427161.7313,492,682
13 March 202523,203161.893,756,257
14 March 202575,988164.4112,493,058
Accumulated under the programme 1,084,502163.31177,106,913

Following the transactions stated above, ISS A/S owns a total of 11,650,807 treasury shares corresponding to 6.28% of the total share capital.

In accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation, the details of each transaction made under the share buyback programme are enclosed.

For investor enquiries
Michael Vitfell-Rasmussen, Head of Group Investor Relations, +45 53 53 87 25

For media enquiries
Charlotte Holm, Head of External Communication, +45 41 76 19 89

ISS is a leading, global provider of workplace and facility service solutions. In partnership with customers, ISS drives the engagement and well-being of people, minimises the impact on the environment, and protects and maintains property. ISS brings all of this to life through a unique combination of data, insight and service excellence at offices, factories, airports, hospitals and other locations across the globe. ISS has more than 325,000 employees around the globe, who we call “placemakers”. In 2024, Group revenue was DKK 83.7 billion. For more information on the ISS Group,



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