Timetable for Applying Admission to Trading of Valoe Shares
Valoe Corporation Stock Exchange Release 24 July 2023 at 15.15 Finnish time
According to releases of Valoe Corporation (the "Company") published on 1 June 2023 and 14 June 2023, the application for admission to trading of the following Company's shares on the main market of Nasdaq Helsinki Oy was estimated to take place at the beginning of July: (i) A total of 30,250,206 shares of the Company in relation to the conversion of the loan shares of Convertible Bond 2/2022 into shares, and (ii) 30,000,000 shares of the Company which the Company subscribed in the share issue to the Company itself without consideration disclosed on 1 June 2023 (“Shares”). In the aforesaid share issue, a total of 40,000,000 shares were subscribed by the Company, out of which 10,000,000 shares were listed on 16 June 2023 as disclosed on 14 June 2023.
The Company specifies the above estimates so that the Shares will be applied for admission to trading on the main market of Nasdaq Helsinki Oy at the beginning of August 2023 after a prospectus pursuant to the Finnish Securities Markets Act given to the Financial Supervisory Authority has been approved and disclosed.
In Mikkeli, 24 July 2023
Valoe Corporation
For more information:
CEO Iikka Savisalo, Valoe Corporation
Tel. +358 405216082
email: [email protected]
Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
Main media
Valoe Corporation specializes in the clean energy, especially in photovoltaic solutions. Valoe provides PV technology based on its own back contact technology and related projects, project design and technology consulting. Valoe also provides manufacturing technology for PV modules, module manufacturing lines, modules and key components for modules, as well as IBC solar cells manufactured at the Company’s factory in Lithuania. Valoe is headquartered in Mikkeli, Finland, with production facilities in Juva, Finland, and Vilnius, Lithuania.