The nomination committee’s proposal for the election of the board of Cinis Fertilizer

The nomination committee for Cinis Fertilizer AB submits the following proposal for decision at the annual general meeting on May 25, 2023, regarding the number and election of board members.
Ahead of the annual general meeting in Cinis Fertilizer AB on 25 May 2023, the nomination committee has decided to propose to the general meeting that the board should consist of six members without deputies. The nomination committee further proposes the re-election of board members Viktoria Bergman, Sten Hedbäck, Roger Johansson, Åsa Källenius and Morgan Sadarangani and the re-election of Anna-Maria Tuominen-Reini. Roger Johansson is proposed for re-election as chairman of the board.
Anna-Maria Tuominen-Reini, born 1974. Finnish and Swedish nationality. Master of Science (Economics, Intellectual Property Law), Hanken School of Economics and MBA (Digital technology management) and BBA (International business) Helsinki School of Economics. Anna-Maria Tuominen-Reini is Executive Vice President – Procurement and Wood Supply at Billerud, and member of the Group Management Team. Previous experiences includes Head of Procurement Metso Outotec, SVP Sourcing and Manufacturing Outotec, SVP Supply Chain, Supply Chain Director and VP Supply Chain Stora Enso, various roles at Unilever, Huhtamaki and Cebal.
Anna-Maria Tuominen-Reini is independent in relation to Cinis Fertilizer’s management and the company’s major shareholders. As of today’s date, she owns no shares in Cinis Fertilizer AB.
A presentation of the board’s current members can be found on Cinis Fertilizer’s website. The nomination committee’s complete proposal for the 2023 AGM will be published in connection with the notice to the 2023 AGM.
Cinis Fertilizer’s nomination committee for the 2023 annual general meeting consists, as previously announced, of:
· Fredrik Nilner (chair), appointed by shareholder Jakob Liedberg
· Thomas Ranje, represents himself
· Morgan Sadarangani, appointed by shareholder Molindo Energy AB
· Roger Johansson, chairman of the board of Cinis Fertilizer AB.
The nomination committee represents a total of 54,945,099 shares, corresponding to 75.8 percent of capital and votes in Cinis Fertilizer AB.
For more information, please contact:
Anders Antonsson, Acting IR and Communications Manager Cinis Fertilizer
[email protected]
+46 709 99 94 70
Jakob Liedberg, CEO Cinis Fertilizer
[email protected]
+46 768 58 12 86
About Cinis Fertilizer
Cinis Fertilizer is a Swedish green tech company aiming to produce the world’s most environmentally friendly mineral fertilizer, potassium sulphate (SOP), by recycling industrial waste products from the pulp & paper industry as well as the car battery manufacturing industry. The patent protected technology will use half as much energy as today’s production methods and the result is a fertilizer with a close to zero carbon footprint, a unique and circular contribution enabling sustainable agriculture. FNCA Sweden AB is Certified Adviser.
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