The nomination committee for Linkfire A/S has been appointed
Linkfire has appointed its nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2023. It consists of the three biggest shareholders as of 30 September 2022, and the chairman of the board.
The nomination committee consists of:
- Jesper Møller, chairman of the board
- Thomas Weilby, chairman of the nomination committee, appointed by NorthCap Partners Aps
- Lars Ettrup, appointed by Rocket Group Aps
- Peter Balint, appointed by Barreson Limited
The nomination committee represents approximately 52 percent of the total number of shares in Linkfire, based on ownership data as per 30 September 2022.
The 2023 annual general meeting will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 26 April 2023. Shareholders, who would like to submit proposals to the nomination committee, are welcome to submit them by e-mail to, or by ordinary mail to:
Linkfire A/S
Att. Nomination Committee
Artillerivej 86
DK- 2300 København
Proposals must be received no later than 1 February 2023, to be considered by the nomination committee.
For further information, please contact:
Tobias Demuth, CFO
Telephone: +45 26 88 99 53
Linkfire’s Certified Adviser
Aktieinvest FK AB
Telephone: +46 739 49 62 50
About Linkfire – Empowering entertainment discovery everywhere
Linkfire makes entertainment marketing easy. We optimize impact, drive streams, increase ticket sales and recommend audio content to billions of fans and listeners on a global scale. Our SaaS marketing platform transformed music marketing and we are now building a global recommendation network for audio entertainment discovery to connect even more fans and listeners to the content they love. Linkfire’s customers and partners include most artists on Billboard’s annual Hot 100, all major music labels, global audio and music streaming services, social media apps and media publishers.
In 2021, Linkfire enabled 1.6 billion consumer connections and the company's revenue amounted to DKK 34.5M, an annual growth of 42 per cent. Co-founded in 2014 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Linkfire today employs a global team with offices in New York and Los Angeles. Linkfire's share (LINKFI) is listed on Nasdaq's First North Premier Growth Market in Stockholm. Learn more about us on and more about our offering on To keep up with our latest news, follow @Linkfire on LinkedIn and @getlinkfire on Twitter and Instagram.