The Board of Directors of Swedbank utilises authorisation to acquire own shares to be used for employee compensation programmes
Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2024 decided to authorise the company's Board of Directors to resolve on the acquisition of own shares. Swedbank's Board of Directors has today decided to use this authorisation for the purpose of ensuring delivery of shares to participants in Swedbank's performance- and share-based compensation programs (Eken 2024 and IP 2024, together "the Programs").
The acquisition of shares will be carried out in accordance with Nasdaq Stockholm’s Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares (the "Rulebook"), the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 ("MAR"), and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 (the "Safe Harbour Regulation"). The acquisition of shares will be managed by an investment firm or a credit institution making its trading decisions concerning the timing of the acquisitions independently of Swedbank.
The buyback program is subject to the following conditions:
- Acquisitions may comprise up to 2,300,000 shares for a total amount not exceeding SEK 700 million, with the purpose of ensuring delivery of shares to participants in the Programs. However, Swedbank’s holding of own shares must never exceed 10 percent of all shares in the company.
- Acquisitions will only take place on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with the Rulebook, MAR, and the Safe Harbour Regulation.
- The acquisition price per share shall be within the applicable price range on Nasdaq Stockholm at any given time, defined as the interval between the highest bid price and lowest ask price continuously published by Nasdaq Stockholm, while also observing the limitations stipulated by the Safe Harbour Regulation.
- Acquisitions may occur until the Annual General Meeting 2025.
- Payment for shares shall be made in cash.
As of February 6, 2025, Swedbank’s holding of own shares amounts to 6,686,779 shares. The total number of shares issued by Swedbank is 1,132,005,722.
Hannes Mård, Media Relations Manager, tel: +46 73 057 41 95
Magnus Alvesson, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +46 70 610 33 41