The Board of Directors of Konecranes Plc has decided to continue the Employee Share Savings Plan
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The Board of Directors of Konecranes Plc has decided to continue the Employee Share Savings Plan


The Board of Directors of Konecranes Plc has decided to continue the Employee Share Savings Plan


Konecranes Plc has offered to its personnel an Employee Share Savings Plan ("the Plan") since the Annual General Meeting decided to launch one in 2012.


Based on the interest shown by Konecranes employees, the Board has decided to continue the Plan by launching a new Plan Period. The new plan period will begin on July 1, 2025 and will end on June 30, 2026. The maximum monthly savings amount per participant is 5 percent of gross salary, and the minimum is EUR 50. Each participant will receive one free matching share for every two acquired savings shares. Matching shares will be delivered to a participant if the participant holds the acquired shares from the plan period until the end of the designated holding period, February 16, 2029, and if his or her employment has not ended before this date for reasons related to the employee. The total amount of all savings of the commencing plan period may not exceed EUR 8.5 million. The terms and conditions of the Plan Period 2025-2026 are unchanged from the previous Plan Periods.

The employees participate in the Plan for one year at a time. Shares will be acquired with the accrued savings at the market price quarterly, shortly after the publication dates of the Konecranes interim results, commencing in October 2025. Any dividends paid on purchased shares during the commencing Plan period will automatically be reinvested into additional shares on the following purchase date. These shares will have an equal right to matching shares.

The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, that the Board of Directors be authorized to decide on directed share issue without payment needed for the implementation of the Plan.


Kiira Fröberg
Vice President, Investor Relations


Kiira Fröberg
Vice President, Investor Relations,

tel. +358 (0) 20 427 2050


Konecranes is a global leader in material handling solutions, serving a broad range of customers across multiple industries. We consistently set the industry benchmark, from everyday improvements to the breakthroughs at moments that matter most, because we know we can always find a safer, more productive and sustainable way. That's why, with around 16,700 professionals in over 50 countries, Konecranes is trusted every day to lift, handle and move what the world needs. In 2023, Group sales totalled EUR 4.0 billion. Konecranes shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (symbol: KCR).



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