Temporary changes in the number of shares and votes in Betsson AB (publ)
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Temporary changes in the number of shares and votes in Betsson AB (publ)

As of 31 May 2023, the total number of shares in Betsson AB (publ) (the “Company”) amounts to 285,459,676 and the total number of votes amounts to 571,857,676. These are divided into 31,822,000 class A shares equaling 318,220,000 votes, 243,142,810 class B shares carrying the same number of votes and 10,494,866 class C shares carrying the same number of votes.

The reason for the change in the number of shares and votes is a share split (2:1), which constitutes a step in the implementation of the first of the two automatic redemption procedures of shares that were decided on by the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2023. Half of all outstanding shares after the split are redemption shares. The number of shares and votes will be restored after the redemption procedure is completed in June 2023.

A second automatic redemption procedure, also resolved upon by the Annual General Meeting 2023, will be carried out during September and October 2023.

For more information regarding the redemption procedure, please refer to the Company’s website: www.betssonab.com.

For further information, please contact:
Martin Öhman, CFO Betsson AB
+46 (0)8 506 403 00

This information is information that Betsson AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 17.30 CEST on 31 May 2023.

About Betsson AB
Betsson AB (publ) is a holding company that invests in and manages fast-growing companies within online gaming. The company is one of the largest in online gaming in Europe and has the ambition to outgrow the market, organically and through acquisitions. This should be done in a profitable and sustainable manner, and with local adaptations. Betsson AB is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (BETS).

Bifogade filer

Betsson AB_Change in number of shares and votes_May_2023https://mb.cision.com/Main/1067/3777637/2096817.pdf

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