Teleste corporation half year financial report 1 january to 30 june 2022: Strong demand continued, but the result declined due to component supply shortages

April-June 2022
- Net sales amounted to EUR 38.4 (35.8) million, an increase of 7.2%
- The adjusted operating result was EUR 0.3 (1.1) million, a decrease of 70.2%
- The operating result was EUR 0.2 (1.1) million, a decrease of 83.0%
- Adjusted earnings per share were EUR -0.07 (0.04), a decrease of 261.5%
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.08 (0.04), a decrease of 279.6%
- Cash flow from operations was EUR 4.1 (9.6) million, a decrease of 57.2%
- Orders received totalled EUR 46.8 (43.9) million, an increase of 6.7%
- The order backlog at period-end totalled EUR 139.1 (84.2) million, an increase of 65.2%
January-June 2022
- Net sales amounted to EUR 76.3 (72.8) million, an increase of 4.8%
- The adjusted operating result was EUR 0.4 (2.6) million, a decrease of 83.3%
- The operating result was EUR 0.3 (5.8) million, a decrease of 95.0%
- Adjusted earnings per share were EUR -0.06 (0.07), a decrease of 186.0%
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.07 (0.25), a decrease of 128.8%
- Cash flow from operations was EUR -0.7 (12.2) million, a decrease of 105.3%
- Orders received totalled EUR 106.7 (79.9) million, an increase of 33.6%
Outlook for 2022
Teleste estimates that net sales in 2022 will reach the level of net sales of 2021 and that the adjusted operating result in 2022 will remain significantly below the adjusted operating result of 2021. Net sales in 2021 were EUR 144.0 million, and the adjusted operating result was EUR 5.5 million.
Worsened component shortage, increasing costs and strengthened USD exchange rate have a significant adverse effect on company's operations and results.
Comments by CEO Esa Harju:
“Orders received and net sales in the second quarter increased year-on-year, but the adjusted operating result was significantly lower than in the comparison period.
Our operating environment became even more challenging during the second quarter, especially due to the effects of the component crisis. Our delivery volumes and particularly the profitability of our operations have been affected by the longer delivery times of materials and components, the logistics problems in Asia, the increased uncertainty in the availability of components, delivery changes requested by customers, and the still-rising prices of components. We have managed to avoid production shutdowns partly through expensive broker purchases and by significantly increasing our buffer stocks. High inflation is also increasing all operating expenses.
Demand has remained strong in all of our operating areas in spite of the challenging operating environment.
Investments in broadband networks are continuing at a good level in Europe, and we received new orders from broadband network operators in several European countries in various product groups. We are working continuously to pass the increased material costs on to customer prices, but there is an inevitable delay before the effects of these efforts become evident. In North America, Teleste's next-generation amplifiers were successfully demonstrated at CableLabs DOCSIS ® 4.0 Extended Spectrum DOCSIS (ESD) technology event.
In video security and public transport information solutions, we received new orders especially from rolling stock manufacturers. Many public transport projects are fixed-price projects, as is typical of the industry, and as material costs increase, this weakens the profitability of the business. All new longer-term project agreements will include the option of adjusting prices when costs increase. We are also in negotiations concerning amendments to the pricing and terms of delivery of previously signed project agreements.
We lowered our financial guidance for the full year 2022 by issuing a release on 16 June with regard to net sales and, in particular, the adjusted operating result. We expect volatility to continue in the markets, and we do not expect the challenging supply chain situation to return to normal in the near future. We have launched a number of measures to improve profitability. The measures are focused particularly on improving delivery reliability and delivery volumes, passing rising material costs to customer prices timely and with determination, and adjusting project delivery costs and all fixed costs. The company has also launched a programme to sharpen its strategy and improve profitability. With these measures, we are laying the groundwork for the year 2023 and thereafter.
Our business has a strong foundation. In spite of the difficult operating environment, our order backlog and our focus on performance provide a robust foundation for future success.”
Group Operations April-June 2022
Key figures |
4-6/2022 |
4-6/2021 |
Change |
Net sales, EUR million |
38.4 |
35.8 |
7.2% |
Adjusted EBIT, EUR million 1) |
0.3 |
1.1 |
-70.2% |
Adjusted EBIT, % 1) |
0.9% |
3.2% |
EBIT, EUR million |
0.2 |
1.1 |
-83.0% |
EBIT, % |
0.5% |
3.2% |
Result for the period, EUR million |
-1.5 |
0.8 |
-288.4% |
Adjusted earnings per share, EUR 1) |
-0.07 |
0.04 |
-261.5% |
Earnings per share, EUR |
-0.08 |
0.04 |
-279.6% |
Cash flow from operations, EUR million |
4.1 |
9.6 |
-57.2% |
Orders received, EUR million |
46.8 |
43.9 |
6.7% |
Order backlog, EUR million |
139.1 |
84.2 |
65.2% |
1) An alternative performance measure defined in the tables section of the report.
Orders received by the Group in the second quarter totalled EUR 46.8 (43.9) million, representing a year-on-year increase of 6.7%. Orders received increased for access network products. The order backlog grew by 65.2% to a record-high level of EUR 139.1 million. Net sales increased by 7.2% to EUR 38.4 (35.8) million. Net sales increased in public transport information solutions, video security solutions and access network products.
Material costs and expenses for manufacturing services came to EUR 20.0 (16.4) million, an increase of 22.2%. Personnel expenses amounted to EUR 11.4 (12.2) million, a decrease of 7.0%. The decrease in personnel expenses was attributable to performance-based bonuses, which were not paid for January-June 2022. Other operating expenses amounted to EUR 5.1 (4.6) million, an increase of 10.4%. Depreciation amounted to EUR 1.9 (1.8) million, an increase of 5.0%. The adjusted operating result decreased by 70.2% to EUR 0.3 (1.1) million, representing 0.9% (3.2%) of net sales. The operating result was EUR 0.2 (1.1) million, down by 83.0%. The operating result decreased due to higher material expenses and other operating expenses. Net financial income totalled EUR 0.1 (-0.1) million. Net tax items of EUR 1.7 million related to a tax reassessment decision received in Belgium weighed down on the result for the period. The company has petitioned for the tax reassessment decision to be rescinded. The settlement procedure concerning the appeal is expected to begin later this year. The result for the period came to EUR -1.5 (0.8) million. Adjusted earnings per share were EUR -0.07 (0.04) and earnings per share were EUR -0.08 (0.04).
Cash flow from operations was EUR 4.1 (9.6) million. Cash flow from operations declined due to the operating result. Cash flow from operations was exceptionally high in the comparison period due to working capital released from inventories and trade receivables, as well as advance payments invoiced for project deliveries.
R&D expenses amounted to EUR 4.3 (3.6) million, representing 11.3% (10.1%) of consolidated net sales. Product development projects focused on distributed access architecture and next-generation amplifiers, including solutions designed for the US market, situational awareness and video security solutions, passenger information systems and customer-specific projects. Capitalised R&D expenses amounted to EUR 2.2 (1.2) million. Depreciation on capitalised R&D expenses was EUR 1.1 (0.9) million.
Group Operations, January-June 2022
Key figures |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change |
1-12/2021 |
Net sales, EUR million |
76.3 |
72.8 |
4.8% |
144.0 |
Adjusted EBIT, EUR million 1) |
0.4 |
2.6 |
-83.3% |
5.5 |
Adjusted EBIT, % 1) |
0.6% |
3.6% |
3.8% |
EBIT, EUR million |
0.3 |
5.8 |
-95.0% |
8.7 |
EBIT, % |
0.4% |
8.0% |
6.1% |
Result for the period, EUR million |
-1.4 |
4.5 |
-131.2% |
6.9 |
Adjusted earnings per share, EUR 1) |
-0.06 |
0.07 |
-186.0% |
0.21 |
Earnings per share, EUR |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8% |
0.39 |
Cash flow from operations, EUR million |
-0.7 |
12.2 |
-105.3% |
13.5 |
Net gearing, % |
38.8% |
13.9% |
20.2% |
Equity ratio, % |
46.2% |
51.0% |
53.3% |
Orders received, EUR million |
106.7 |
79.9 |
33.6% |
175.5 |
Order backlog, EUR million |
139.1 |
84.2 |
65.2% |
108.6 |
Personnel at period-end |
897 |
884 |
1.5% |
847 |
1) An alternative performance measure defined in the tables section of the report.
Orders received by the Group increased by 33.6% to EUR 106.7 (79.9) million. Orders received increased in access network products, public transport information solutions and video security solutions. Net sales increased by 4.8% to EUR 76.3 (72.8) million. Net sales increased in public transport information solutions and video security solutions.
Material costs and expenses for manufacturing services increased by 12.5% to EUR 38.6 (34.3) million. Personnel expenses amounted to EUR 23.6 (24.3) million, a decrease of 2.9%. Other operating expenses totalled EUR 10.5 (8.8) million, an increase of 19.2%. Depreciation amounted to EUR 3.6 (3.5) million, an increase of 4.0%. The adjusted operating result was EUR 0.4 (2.6) million, a decrease of 83.3%. The adjusted operating result represented 0.6% (3.6%) of net sales. The operating result was EUR 0.3 (5.8) million, or 0.4% (8.0%) of net sales. The operating result for the comparison period included non-recurring insurance compensation in the amount of EUR 3.2 million. Net financial income came to EUR 0.1 (0.1) million, and the Group's direct taxes amounted to EUR 1.8 (1.4) million. Net tax items of EUR 1.7 million related to a tax reassessment decision received in Belgium weighed down on the result for the period. The company has petitioned for the tax reassessment decision to be rescinded. The settlement procedure concerning the appeal is expected to begin later this year. The result for the period came to EUR -1.4 (4.5) million. Adjusted earnings per share were EUR -0.06 (0.07). Earnings per share were EUR -0.07 (0.25).
Cash flow from operations was EUR -0.7 (12.2) million. Cash flow from operations declined due to the operating result and changes in working capital. Net working capital increased by EUR 5.2 million due to forward-looking material purchases and trade receivables. In the comparison period, EUR 4.8 million in net working capital was released, and the cash flow from operations in the comparison period included non-recurring insurance compensation in the amount of EUR 3.2 million.
R&D expenses amounted to EUR 8.2 (7.1) million, representing 10.7% (9.8%) of consolidated net sales. Capitalised R&D expenses amounted to EUR 3.6 (2.4) million. Depreciation on capitalised R&D expenses was EUR 2.1 (1.9) million.
Personnel and organisation January-June 2022
The Group employed 867 (865) people on average during the period under review. At the end of the review period, the Group employed 897 (884) people, of whom 43% (45%) worked abroad. Approximately 3% (3%) of the Group's employees were working outside Europe.
Personnel expenses amounted to EUR 23.6 (24.3) million, a decrease of 2.9%. The decrease in personnel expenses was attributable to performance-based bonuses, which were not paid for January-June 2022.
Investments and product development January-June 2022
Investments by the Group totalled EUR 7.8 (4.8) million, representing 10.3% (6.7%) of net sales. Investments in product development amounted to EUR 3.6 (2.4) million, and other investments totalled EUR 4.3 (2.4) million. The other investments include EUR 1.9 million related to the expansion of the production facility in Littoinen, Finland, and new and extended lease agreements capitalised in accordance with IFRS 16, totalling EUR 1.4 million.
Product development projects focused on distributed access architecture and next-generation amplifiers (including solutions designed for the US market), situational awareness and video security solutions, public transport information solutions and customer-specific projects.
Financing and capital structure January-June 2022
The company signed new financing agreements on 29 March 2022. The new financing agreements include a bank loan of EUR 20.0 million and a binding credit facility of EUR 15.0 million. The bank loan of EUR 20.0 million will fall due in March 2026 and includes a one-year extension option. The loan will be amortised twice a year in instalments of EUR 1.25 million. The credit facility of EUR 15.0 million will run until the end of March 2025. The old financing agreements include a loan of EUR 3.75 million, which is amortised twice a year in instalments of EUR 0.75 million until August 2024.
At the end of the period under review, the amount of unused binding credit facilities was EUR 10.2 (20.0) million.
At the end of the period, the Group's interest-bearing debt stood at EUR 34.6 (31.2) million. The Group's equity ratio was 46.2% (51.0%), and the net gearing ratio was 38.8% (13.9%).
Key risks related to business operations
The most significant changes to the risks presented in the Report of the Board of Directors and the financial statements for 2021 are related to the worsening shortage of components and materials, the war started by Russia in Ukraine, the pandemic situation and shutdowns in China, general geopolitical instability and accelerating inflation.
At the end of February, the company decided to suspend deliveries to Russia and Belarus. While the direct impacts of the war in Ukraine on Teleste's business have thus far been limited, the war will have a significant impact on the availability of certain materials, logistics costs and the delivery times of materials. The pandemic situation in China may lead to further closures of component manufacturers' factories and cargo ports. In addition, the elevated geopolitical tensions between China and Taiwan may lead to new supply chain disruptions. Accelerating inflation increases operating costs across the board.
Shortages of materials and components caused delays in deliveries and additional expenses during the first half of the year. The problems associated with the availability of materials are expected to remain significant, leading to delivery risks in spite of the forward-looking purchasing of materials for the company's inventory. Disruptions in the availability of materials and higher purchasing prices have increased inventories and the risk of write-downs of inventories. The increase in working capital has reduced the financial reserves available to the company. The rise in purchasing prices is expected to continue during the rest of the year. The duration of the problems associated with the availability of materials is very difficult to estimate.
Some project deliveries involve delays in deliveries, which may lead to contractual penalties or credit losses. The company negotiates the effects of contractual terms concerning delays in project deliveries separately for each project.
Teleste's Belgian subsidiary has received a tax reassessment decision for the tax year 2019, and the company has appealed the decision. The company has recognised the tax effect of the tax reassessment decision, totalling EUR 1.7 million, in its result for the second quarter. If the appeal is not approved, the tax reassessment decision would lead to a tax payment of EUR 2.1 million, which would affect the company's cash flow at the time of payment.
The Board of Directors annually reviews essential business risks and their management. Risk management constitutes an integral part of the strategic and operational activities of the business areas. Risks are reported to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
Aside from the tax reassessment decision issued in Belgium, there were no other legal proceedings or judicial procedures pending during the period under review that would have had any essential significance for the Group's operations.
Group structure
The parent company has a branch office in the Netherlands and subsidiaries in 14 countries outside Finland. Teleste Information Solutions Oy acquired the Italian technology company Ermetris S.r.l. in January. Ermetris strengthens Teleste's position as a supplier in the Italian market.
Shares and changes in share capital
Pursuant to the authorisation issued by the Annual General Meeting, Teleste Corporation's Board of Directors decided, on 9 March 2022, on a directed share issue without consideration, relating to the reward payment for the performance period 2019-2021 of Teleste Group's share-based incentive plan 2018. In the share issue, 10,512 Teleste Corporation shares held by the company were conveyed without consideration to the key employees participating in the share-based incentive plan, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the plan on 18 March 2022.
On 30 June 2022, Tianta Oy was the largest single shareholder, with a holding of 25.1% (25.0%).
In the period under review, the lowest price of the company's share was EUR 3.75 (4.47) and the highest price was EUR 5.76 (6.66). The closing price on 30 June 2022 was EUR 3.80 (6.22). According to Euroclear Finland Ltd, the number of shareholders at the end of the period under review was 5,387 (5,744). Foreign and nominee-registered holdings accounted for 4.4% (4.3%) of the share capital. The value of Teleste shares traded on Nasdaq Helsinki from 1 January to 30 June 2022 was EUR 4.2 (9.8) million. In the period under review, 0.9 (1.8) million Teleste shares were traded on the stock exchange.
At the end of June, the Group held 757,682 (768,194) of its own shares, all held by the parent company Teleste Corporation. At the end of the review period, the Group's holding of the total number of shares amounted to 4.0% (4.0%).
On 30 June 2022, the company's registered share capital stood at EUR 6,966,932.80, divided into 18,985,588 shares.
Valid authorisations at the end of the review period:
- The Board of Directors may acquire 1,200,000 of the company's own shares otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders with unrestricted equity through trading on the regulated market organised by Nasdaq Helsinki at the market price of the time of the purchase.
- The Board of Directors may decide on issuing new shares and/or transferring the company's own shares held by the company, so that the maximum total number of shares issued and/or transferred is 2,000,000.
- The total number of new shares to be subscribed for under the special rights granted by the company and the company's own shares held by the company to be transferred may not exceed 1,000,000 shares, which number is included in the above maximum number concerning new shares and the Group's own shares held by the company.
- These authorisations are valid until 5 October 2023.
Decisions by the Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Teleste Corporation held on 6 April 2022 adopted the financial statements and consolidated financial statements for 2021 and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial period 2021. In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the AGM resolved that, based on the adopted balance sheet, a dividend of EUR 0.14 per share be paid for the financial period that ended on 31 December 2021 for shares other than those held by the Company. The dividend record date was 8 April 2022, and the dividend was paid out on 19 April 2022.
The AGM decided that the Board of Directors shall consist of six members. Jussi Himanen, Vesa Korpimies, Mirel Leino-Haltia, Timo Luukkainen, Heikki Mäkijärvi and Kai Telanne were elected as members of Teleste Corporation's Board of Directors. In its organisational meeting held after the AGM on 6 April 2022, the Board of Directors elected Timo Luukkainen as its Chairman. Mirel Leino-Haltia was elected Chair of the Audit Committee, with Jussi Himanen and Vesa Korpimies as members.
It was decided that the annual remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors will remain unchanged: EUR 66,000 per year for the chairman and EUR 33,000 per year for each member. The annual remuneration of the Board member who acts as the Chair of the Audit Committee is to be EUR 49,000 per year. Of the annual remuneration to be paid to the Board members, 40% of the total gross remuneration amount will be used to purchase Teleste Corporation's shares for the Board members through trading on a regulated market organised by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, and the rest will be paid in cash. However, a separate meeting fee shall not be paid to the members of the Board of Directors nor to the Chair of the Audit Committee. The members of the Board's Audit Committee are paid a meeting fee of EUR 400 for the meetings of the Audit Committee they attend.
The AGM decided to choose one auditor for Teleste Corporation. The audit firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was chosen as the company's auditor. The audit firm appointed Markku Launis, APA, as the auditor in charge. It was decided that the auditor's fees will be paid according to the invoice approved by the Company.
The AGM approved the company's Remuneration Report for 2021.
The AGM decided to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on the purchase of the company's own shares in accordance with the proposal of the Board. According to the authorisation, the Board of Directors may acquire 1,200,000 of the company's own shares otherwise than in proportion to the holdings of the shareholders with unrestricted equity through trading on regulated market organised by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd at the market price of the time of the purchase.
The AGM decided to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on issuing new shares and/or transferring the company's own shares held by the company and/or granting special rights referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Limited Liability Companies Act, in accordance with the Board's proposal.
The new shares may be issued and the company's own shares held by the company may be conveyed either against payment or for free. New shares may be issued and the company's own shares held by the company may be conveyed to the company's shareholders in proportion to their current shareholdings in the company, or by waiving the shareholder's pre-emption right, through a directed share issue if the company has a weighty financial reason to do so. The new shares may also be issued in a free share issue to the company itself.
Under the authorisation, the Board of Directors has the right to decide on issuances of new shares and/or transferring the company's own shares held by the company, so that the maximum total number of shares issued and/or transferred is 2,000,000.
The total number of new shares to be subscribed for under the special rights granted by the company and the company's own shares held by the company to be transferred may not exceed 1,000,000 shares, which number is included in the above maximum number concerning new shares and the Group's own shares held by the company.
The authorisations decided on by the AGM are valid for eighteen (18) months from the resolution of the AGM. The authorisations override any previous authorisations to decide on issuances of new shares and on granting stock option rights or other special rights entitling to shares.
Operating environment in 2022
The demand for broadband services by broadband network operators continues to grow. Broadband traffic has increased sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the growth of teleworking and online education and the higher consumption of streaming services. It is presumed that part of the growth created by the pandemic will remain a permanent phenomenon, which will maintain network investments when the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic are lifted. European cable operators have been able to respond competitively to the increasing demand by investing in DOCSIS 3.1 standard-compliant 1.2 GHz frequency range network upgrades during the past few years. Investments in HFC network infrastructure are continuing.
We expect next-generation access network upgrades to expand in Europe in 2022. DOCSIS 3.1-compliant distributed architecture product ranges and the integration and testing activities by the most advanced operators have progressed to a point where network upgrades can increasingly be implemented using these solutions.
The cable network industry has also created a roadmap pertaining to the next-generation DOCSIS 4.0 standard. This next generation of technology will enable households to access broadband connections with speeds up to 10 gigabytes using existing coaxial cabling. DOCSIS 4.0 enables the competitiveness of the cable network infrastructure compared to optical fibre for years to come. We presume that North American operators, in particular, will invest heavily when DOCSIS 4.0 products enter the market starting from 2023, while European operators will partially switch to fibre investments to maintain their lead over other fixed network competitors.
Product development projects for Teleste's 1.8 GHz DOCSIS 4.0-compliant network products are under way. The deployment of passive products can begin in 2022, with the readiness to start amplifier upgrades to follow thereafter in 2023.
Growing urban environments and their safety, the increase of environmentally friendly public transport services, and the increasing popularity of smart digital systems for a smoother life provide a foundation for growing business in video security and public transport information systems in the coming years.
Public transport operators and other authorities must ensure smooth operation of services and infrastructure, as well as the safety of people. Public transport information systems are continuously developing to be increasingly smart and real-time. The intelligence of video security solutions is increasing, and demand has emerged in the market for comprehensive situational awareness systems that include management of other sensor-level data flows in addition to video images, and automated operating processes in exceptional situations.
The development of the market for public transport information systems was adversely affected in 2021 not only by the pandemic but also by the global problems associated with the availability of components and materials. However, the market is expected to return to growth in 2022, provided that growth is not restricted by issues related to the availability of components and materials. Ensuring competitiveness requires Teleste to continuously make R&D investments in new intelligent solutions, and the share of software systems in these solutions will continue to grow. Improving project management and operational efficiency in business is essential. Component availability problems and the pricing terms of new agreements will require special attention in 2022.
Outlook for 2022
Teleste estimates that net sales in 2022 will reach the level of net sales of 2021 and that the adjusted operating result in 2022 will remain significantly below the adjusted operating result of 2021. Net sales in 2021 were EUR 144.0 million, and the adjusted operating result was EUR 5.5 million.
Worsened component shortage, increasing costs and strengthened USD exchange rate have a significant adverse effect on company's operations and results.
10 August 2022
Teleste Corporation Esa Harju
Board of Directors President and CEO
This half year financial report has been compiled in compliance with IAS 34, as it is accepted within EU, using the recognition and valuation principles with those used in the Annual Report. Teleste has prepared this report applying the same accounting principles, as those described in detail in the consolidated financial statements except for the adoption of new standards and amendments effective as of January 1, 2022. The data stated in this report is unaudited.
4-6/2022 |
4-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Net Sales |
38,358 |
35,782 |
7.2 % |
143,966 |
Other operating income |
186 |
365 |
-49.2 % |
5,209 |
Materials and services |
-20,013 |
-16,384 |
22.2 % |
-67,672 |
Personnel expenses |
-11,371 |
-12,233 |
-7.0 % |
-46,825 |
Depreciation |
-1,852 |
-1,764 |
5.0 % |
-7,566 |
Other operating expenses |
-5,115 |
-4,632 |
10.4 % |
-18,399 |
Operating profit |
193 |
1,135 |
-83.0 % |
8,714 |
Financial income |
428 |
243 |
75.9 % |
1,091 |
Financial expenses |
-368 |
-295 |
24.9 % |
-767 |
Profit after financial items |
252 |
1,083 |
-76.7 % |
9,037 |
Profit before taxes |
252 |
1,083 |
-76.7 % |
9,037 |
Taxes |
-1,755 |
-286 |
514.3 % |
-2,107 |
Net profit |
-1,503 |
798 |
-288.4 % |
6,930 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
-1,444 |
804 |
-279.7 % |
7,089 |
Non-controlling interests |
-58 |
-6 |
n/a |
-159 |
-1,503 |
798 |
-288.4 % |
6,930 |
Earnings per share for result of the year attributable to the equity holders of the parent |
(expressed in euro per share) |
Basic |
-0.08 |
0.04 |
-279.6 % |
0.39 |
Diluted |
-0.08 |
0.04 |
-279.7 % |
0.39 |
Total comprehensive income for the period (tEUR) |
Net profit |
-1,503 |
798 |
-288.4 % |
6,930 |
Possible items with future net profit effect |
Translation differences |
-425 |
225 |
-289.0 % |
620 |
Cash flow hedges |
672 |
0 |
n/a |
1 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
-1,255 |
1,022 |
-222.8 % |
7,552 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
-1,206 |
1,032 |
-216.8 % |
7,691 |
Non-controlling interests |
-50 |
-10 |
n/a |
-140 |
-1,255 |
1,022 |
-222.8 % |
7,552 |
Statement of comprehensive income |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Net Sales |
76,321 |
72,792 |
4.8 % |
143,966 |
Other operating income |
279 |
3,955 |
-92.9 % |
5,209 |
Materials and services |
-38,563 |
-34,289 |
12.5 % |
-67,672 |
Personnel expenses |
-23,604 |
-24,321 |
-2.9 % |
-46,825 |
Depreciation |
-3,644 |
-3,503 |
4.0 % |
-7,566 |
Other operating expenses |
-10,497 |
-8,804 |
19.2 % |
-18,399 |
Operating profit |
293 |
5,830 |
-95.0 % |
8,714 |
Financial income |
624 |
559 |
11.6 % |
1,091 |
Financial expenses |
-536 |
-493 |
8.9 % |
-767 |
Profit after financial items |
381 |
5,897 |
-93.5 % |
9,037 |
Profit before taxes |
381 |
5,897 |
-93.5 % |
9,037 |
Taxes |
-1,779 |
-1,423 |
25.1 % |
-2,107 |
Net profit |
-1,398 |
4,474 |
-131.2 % |
6,930 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
-1,316 |
4,560 |
-128.9 % |
7,089 |
Non-controlling interests |
-82 |
-86 |
n/a |
-159 |
-1,398 |
4,474 |
-131.2 % |
6,930 |
Earnings per share for result of the year attributable to the equity holders of the parent |
(expressed in euro per share) |
Basic |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8 % |
0.39 |
Diluted |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8 % |
0.39 |
Total comprehensive income for the period (tEUR) |
Net profit |
-1,398 |
4,474 |
-131.2 % |
6,930 |
Possible items with future net profit effect |
Translation differences |
-492 |
415 |
-218.5 % |
620 |
Cash flow hedges |
929 |
0 |
n/a |
1 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
-961 |
4,889 |
-119.7 % |
7,552 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
-891 |
4,966 |
-117.9 % |
7,691 |
Non-controlling interests |
-70 |
-76 |
n/a |
-140 |
-961 |
4,889 |
-119.7 % |
7,552 |
30.6.2022 |
30.6.2021 |
Change % |
31.12.2021 |
Non-current assets |
Intangible assets |
15,705 |
13,178 |
19.2 % |
14,047 |
Goodwill |
30,802 |
30,642 |
0.5 % |
30,707 |
Property, plant, equipment |
13,722 |
10,145 |
35.3 % |
11,284 |
Other non-current financial assets |
458 |
749 |
-38.9 % |
458 |
Deferred tax asset |
2,716 |
1,797 |
51.2 % |
1,700 |
63,403 |
56,511 |
12.2 % |
58,195 |
Current assets |
Inventories |
35,983 |
25,720 |
39.9 % |
29,177 |
Trade and other receivables |
37,703 |
30,090 |
25.3 % |
33,493 |
Tax Receivable, income tax |
350 |
350 |
-0.1 % |
259 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
9,137 |
21,987 |
-58.4 % |
14,100 |
83,174 |
78,147 |
6.4 % |
77,029 |
Total assets |
146,577 |
134,658 |
8.9 % |
135,224 |
Shareholder's equity and liabilities |
Share capital |
6,967 |
6,967 |
0.0 % |
6,967 |
Other equity |
58,648 |
58,802 |
-0.3 % |
61,843 |
Owners of the parent company |
65,615 |
65,769 |
-0.2 % |
68,809 |
Non-controlling interests |
110 |
244 |
-54.8 % |
180 |
65,725 |
66,013 |
-0.4 % |
68,990 |
Non-current liabilities |
Deferred tax liability |
2,480 |
1,790 |
38.5 % |
1,988 |
Non-current liabilities, interest-bearing |
28,647 |
25,092 |
14.2 % |
6,856 |
Non-current interest-free liabilities |
190 |
781 |
-75.7 % |
737 |
Non-current provisions |
400 |
392 |
1.9 % |
370 |
31,716 |
28,055 |
13.0 % |
9,951 |
Current liabilities |
Current interest-bearing liabilities |
5,989 |
6,061 |
-1.2 % |
21,193 |
Trade Payables and Other Liabilities |
35,149 |
27,567 |
27.5 % |
27,415 |
Advances received |
4,191 |
5,289 |
-20.7 % |
5,844 |
Tax liability, income tax |
728 |
661 |
10.2 % |
868 |
Current provisions |
3,078 |
1,012 |
204.0 % |
962 |
49,136 |
40,590 |
21.1 % |
56,283 |
Total shareholder's equity and liabilities |
146,577 |
134,658 |
8.9 % |
135,224 |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit for the period |
-1,398 |
4,474 |
-131.2 % |
6,930 |
Adjustments to cash flow from operating activities |
658 |
4,495 |
-85.4 % |
7,567 |
Other finance items |
854 |
-145 |
-687.4 % |
164 |
Paid interest and other finance expenses |
-209 |
-882 |
-76.3 % |
-300 |
Received interests and dividend payments |
61 |
4,298 |
-98.6 % |
76 |
Paid Taxes |
-621 |
0 |
n/a |
-935 |
Cash flow from operating activities |
-654 |
12,241 |
-105.3 % |
13,502 |
Cash flow from investing activities |
Purchase of tangible and intangible assets |
-5,714 |
-2,643 |
116.2 % |
-6,988 |
Proceeds from sales of PPE |
31 |
39 |
-21.7 % |
85 |
Divestment of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
0 |
-3,749 |
-100.0 % |
-3,749 |
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired |
-889 |
0 |
0.0 % |
0 |
Purchase of investments |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
-142 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
-6,573 |
-6,353 |
n/a |
-10,795 |
Cash flow from financing activities |
Proceeds from borrowings |
25,042 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
Payments of borrowings |
-19,337 |
-750 |
2478.3 % |
-4,500 |
Payment of leasing liabilities |
-1,015 |
-1,067 |
-4.9 % |
-2,120 |
Dividends paid |
-2,552 |
-2,330 |
9.5 % |
-2,321 |
Net cash used in financing activities |
2,139 |
-4,147 |
n/a |
-8,942 |
Change in cash |
Cash in the beginning |
14,100 |
20,225 |
-30.3 % |
20,224 |
Effect of currency changes |
127 |
22 |
485.4 % |
109 |
Change |
-5,089 |
1,741 |
-392.3 % |
-6,234 |
Cash at the end |
9,137 |
21,987 |
-58.4 % |
14,100 |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Operating profit |
293 |
5,830 |
-95.0 % |
8,714 |
Earnings per share, EUR |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8 % |
0.39 |
Earnings per share fully diluted, EUR |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8 % |
0.39 |
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR |
3.46 |
3.48 |
-0.4 % |
3.79 |
Return on equity |
-4.2 % |
13.9 % |
-129.9 % |
10.5 % |
Return on investment |
1.7 % |
13.3 % |
-87.4 % |
10.2 % |
Equity ratio |
46.2 % |
51.0 % |
-9.5 % |
53.3 % |
Net gearing |
38.8 % |
13.9 % |
179.2 % |
20.2 % |
Investments, tEUR |
7,840 |
4,847 |
61.8 % |
11,063 |
Investments % of net sales |
10.3 % |
6.7 % |
54.3 % |
7.7 % |
Order backlog, tEUR |
139,054 |
84,196 |
65.2 % |
108,635 |
Personnel, average |
867 |
865 |
0.3 % |
863 |
Number of shares (thousands) |
18,986 |
18,986 |
0.0 % |
18,986 |
including own shares |
Highest share price, EUR |
5.76 |
6.66 |
-13.5 % |
6.66 |
Lowest share price, EUR |
3.75 |
4.47 |
-16.1 % |
4.47 |
Average share price, EUR |
4.85 |
5.46 |
-11.2 % |
5.46 |
Turnover, in million shares |
0.9 |
1.8 |
-52.2 % |
2.5 |
Turnover, in MEUR |
4.2 |
9.8 |
-57.6 % |
13.8 |
4-6/2022 |
4-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Adjusted operating profit |
339 |
1,135 |
-70.2 % |
439 |
2,630 |
-83.3 % |
5,514 |
Adjusted earning per share, EUR |
-0.07 |
0.04 |
-261.5 % |
-0.06 |
0.07 |
-186.0 % |
0.21 |
Operating profit |
193 |
1,135 |
-83.0 % |
293 |
5,830 |
-95.0 % |
8,714 |
Strategic development projects |
146 |
0 |
n/a |
146 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
Other non-recurring items |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
-3,200 |
-100.0 % |
-3,200 |
Adjusted operating profit |
339 |
1,135 |
-70.2 % |
439 |
2,630 |
-83.3 % |
5,514 |
Net profit/loss to equity holder |
-1,444 |
804 |
-279.7 % |
-1,316 |
4,560 |
-128.9 % |
7,089 |
Outstanding shares during the quarter |
18,221 |
18,217 |
0.0 % |
18,224 |
18,215 |
0.1 % |
18,216 |
Earnings per share, basic |
-0.08 |
0.04 |
-279.6 % |
-0.07 |
0.25 |
-128.8 % |
0.39 |
Net profit/loss to equity holder |
-1,444 |
804 |
-279.7 % |
-1,316 |
4,560 |
-128.9 % |
7,089 |
Strategic development projects |
146 |
0 |
n/a |
146 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
Other non-recurring items |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
-3,200 |
-100.0 % |
-3,200 |
Outstanding shares during the quarter |
18,221 |
18,217 |
0.0 % |
18,224 |
18,215 |
0.1 % |
18,216 |
Adjusted earnings per share, EUR |
-0.07 |
0.04 |
-261.5 % |
-0.06 |
0.07 |
-186.0 % |
0.21 |
Treasury shares |
Number |
% of |
% of |
of shares |
shares |
votes |
Possession of company's own shares 30.6.2022 |
757,682 |
3.99 % |
3.99 % |
Contingent liabilities and pledged assets (tEUR) |
30.6.2022 |
30.6.2021 |
Change % |
31.12.2021 |
Leasing and rent liabilities |
922 |
927 |
-0.5 % |
951 |
Derivative instruments (tEUR) |
Value of underlying forward contracts |
25,502 |
20,317 |
25.5 % |
18,128 |
Market value of forward contracts |
932 |
211 |
342.6 % |
360 |
Interest rate swap |
15,000 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
Market value of interest swap |
309 |
0 |
n/a |
0 |
Net sales by category |
1-6/2022 |
1-6/2021 |
Change % |
1-12/2021 |
Goods |
64,773 |
60,740 |
6.6 % |
120,220 |
Service |
11,548 |
12,052 |
-4.2 % |
23,746 |
Total |
76,321 |
72,792 |
4.8 % |
143,966 |
30.6.2022 |
30.6.2021 |
Change % |
31.12.2021 |
Order backlog, tEUR |
139,054 |
84,196 |
65.2 % |
108,635 |
Information per quarter (tEUR) |
4-6/22 |
1-3/22 |
10-12/21 |
7-9/21 |
4-6/21 |
7/2021-6/2022 |
Orders received |
46,804 |
59,936 |
51,480 |
44,137 |
43,861 |
202,357 |
Net sales |
38,358 |
37,964 |
38,858 |
32,316 |
35,782 |
147,495 |
193 |
100 |
603 |
2,280 |
1,135 |
3,176 |
0.5 % |
0.3 % |
1.6 % |
7.1 % |
3.2 % |
2.2 % |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity,1000 euros |
Attributable to equity holders of the parent (tEUR) |
A |
Share capital |
B |
Share premium |
C |
Translation differences |
D |
Retained earnings |
E |
Invested free capital |
F |
Other funds |
G |
Owners of the parent company |
H |
Non-controlling interests |
I |
Total equity |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
Shareholder's equity 1.1.2022 |
6,967 |
1,504 |
-1,392 |
58,588 |
3,140 |
2 |
68,809 |
180 |
68,990 |
Net result |
-1,316 |
-1,316 |
-82 |
-1,398 |
Other compherensive items for the period |
-236 |
-268 |
929 |
425 |
12 |
437 |
Dividend |
-2,552 |
-2,552 |
-2,552 |
Equity-settled share-based payments |
248 |
248 |
248 |
Shareholder's equity 30.6.2022 |
6,967 |
1,504 |
-1,628 |
54,701 |
3,140 |
931 |
65,615 |
110 |
65,725 |
Shareholder's equity 1.1.2021 |
6,967 |
1,504 |
-1,557 |
52,716 |
3,140 |
0 |
62,770 |
319 |
63,090 |
Net result |
4,560 |
4,560 |
-86 |
4,474 |
Other compherensive items for the period |
83 |
323 |
406 |
9 |
415 |
Dividend |
-2,186 |
-2,186 |
-2,186 |
Equity-settled share-based payments |
220 |
220 |
220 |
Shareholder's equity 30.6.2021 |
6,967 |
1,504 |
-1,474 |
55,633 |
3,140 |
0 |
65,770 |
243 |
66,013 |
Return on equity: |
Profit/loss for the financial period |
Return on capital employed: |
Profit/loss for the period after financial items + financing charges |
Equity ratio: |
Shareholders' equity |
Gearing: |
Interest bearing liabilities - cash in hand and in bank - interest bearing assets |
Earnings per share: |
Profit for the period attributable to equity holder of the parent |
Earnings per share, diluted: |
Profit for the period attributable to equity holder of the parent (diluted) |
Effective from the beginning of 2019. Teleste has started to report non-IFRS alternative performance measures. The calculation of the alternative performance measures does not take into account income or expense items affecting comparability that are non-recurring or infrequently occurring and not part of the ordinary course of business. The purpose of presenting the alternative performance measures is to improve comparability, and they do not replace the performance measures and key figures presented in accordance with IFRS. The alternative performance measures reported by the Group are adjusted operating result and adjusted earnings per share. Adjusted operating result and adjusted earnings per share exclude material items affecting comparability that are not part of the ordinary course of business. The adjusted items are recognised in the income statement within the corresponding income or expense group.
Adjusted operating profit |
Operating profit is adjusted with items which are non-recurring or infrequently. |
Adjusted earnings per share: |
Adjusted Profit for the period attributable to equity holder of the parent |
Major shareholders, as sorted by number of shares - June 30, 2022 |
Number of shares |
% of shares |
Tianta Oy |
4,768,298 |
25.1 |
Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited |
1,683,900 |
8.9 |
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company |
899,475 |
4.7 |
Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company |
824,641 |
4.3 |
Teleste Oyj |
757,682 |
4.0 |
Mariatorp Oy |
750,000 |
4.0 |
Wipunen Varainhallinta Oy |
700,000 |
3.7 |
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company |
521,150 |
2.7 |
The State Pension Fund |
500,000 |
2.6 |
OP-Finland Small Firms Fund |
240,408 |
1.3 |
Shareholders by sector |
Nbr. of shareholders |
% of Owners |
Shares |
% of shares |
Households |
5,084 |
94.4 |
4,834,405 |
25.5 |
Public sector institutions |
3 |
0.1 |
1,920,625 |
10.1 |
Financial and insurance institutions |
17 |
0.3 |
3,450,673 |
18.2 |
Corporations |
231 |
4.3 |
8,487,787 |
44.7 |
Non-profit institutions |
21 |
0.4 |
44,223 |
0.2 |
Foreign |
31 |
0.6 |
247,875 |
1.3 |
Total |
5,387 |
100.00 |
18,985,588 |
100.0 |
Of which nominee registered |
9 |
0.2 |
581,159 |
3.1 |
Major shareholders by distribution of shares June 30, 2022 |
Number of shares |
Nbr. of shareholders |
% of shareholders |
Nbr. of shares |
% of shares |
1-100 |
1,626 |
30.2 |
85,829 |
0.5 |
101-500 |
2,155 |
40.0 |
565,962 |
3.0 |
501-1,000 |
704 |
13.1 |
570,076 |
3.0 |
1,001-5,000 |
698 |
13.0 |
1,532,237 |
8.1 |
5,001-10,000 |
97 |
1.8 |
677,185 |
3.6 |
10,001-50,000 |
79 |
1.5 |
1,615,743 |
8.5 |
50,001-100,000 |
8 |
0.1 |
503,202 |
2.7 |
100,001-500,000 |
12 |
0.2 |
2,530,208 |
13.3 |
500,001-& above |
8 |
0.1 |
10,905,146 |
57.4 |
Total |
5,389 |
100.0 |
18,985,588 |
100.0 |
of which nominee registered |
9 |
0.2 |
576,926 |
3.0 |
CEO Esa Harju. phone +358 2 2605 611
Nasdaq Helsinki
Main Media