Techstep ASA - Disclosure of voting proxies for the Extraordinary General Meeting
Jens Rugseth has, as chairman of the Board of Directors of Techstep ASA, received proxies to vote for 21,995,911 shares at the extraordinary general meeting on 21 October 2022 (the "EGM"), without any voting instructions, representing 10.35% of the total shares and votes at the EGM. This includes 21,979,844 shares (10.34%) held by Karbon Invest AS. Karbon Invest AS is directly controlled by Rugz AS and Rugz II AS, both which are directly controlled by Mr. Rugseth. The proxies received are only valid for the EGM and ill lapse automatically thereafter.
This information is subject to disclosure pursuant to section 4-3 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.