TCM Group A/S: Change in executive management – TCM Group starts process of finding new CFO
No. 154/2022
Tvis, 29 November 2022
Change in executive management – TCM Group starts process of finding new CFO.
Mogens Elbrønd Pedersen has decided to step down as CFO in TCM Group to pursue new opportunities outside TCM Group and the kitchen industry.
CEO Torben Paulin:
“After 8 years of contribution to the development of TCM Group, Mogens Elbrønd Pedersen, CFO, has decided to pursue new opportunities in a position outside TCM Group and the kitchen industry.
Mogens Elbrønd Pedersen will step down as CFO at the latest by 31 May 2023, or when a successor is onboarded. The process of recruiting a new CFO will now be initiated.”
For further information, please contact:
CEO Torben Paulin +45 21210464
IR Contact - [email protected]
About TCM Group A/S
TCM Group is Scandinavia’s third largest manufacturer of kitchens and furniture for bathrooms and storage. The products are designed and produced in Denmark and rooted in a proud tradition of good quality and good craftsmanship. TCM Group pursues a multi-brand strategy, under which the main brand is Svane Køkkenet and the other brands are Tvis Kø-kken and Nettoline. Combined, the brands cater for the entire price spectrum, and are sold through c. 140 dealers in Denmark and the rest of the Scandinavia. TCM Group sells private label kitchens through DIY stores in Denmark and independent kitchen stores in Norway. TCM Group is supplier to the 45% owned e-commerce kitchen business Celebert, which operates under the brands,, Celebert and Just Woods. See for more information.