Swiss Properties Invest A/S: Results of the Annual General Meeting 2023
Company Announcement no. 03-2024
Copenhagen, 19th April 2024
The annual general meeting of Swiss Properties Invest A/S was held today in accordance with the agenda in the notice of 5th April 2023 convening the annual general meeting, cf. company announcement No 02-2024 of 5th April 2024.
At the annual general meeting the following resolutions were agreed upon:
- The approval of the annual accounts and consolidated annual accounts, with audit report and annual report.
- The appropriation of profits according to the approved annual accounts.
- The discharge to the board of directors for 2023.
- The approval of the remuneration to the board of directors for the current financial year.
- The re-election of Thorbjørn Graarud, Christian Seidelin, Kirsten Sillehoved to the board of directors.
- The re-election of BDO Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktienselskab as auditor of the company.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S, which was founded on 8 October 2021, is the Danish holding company of the wholly owned subsidiary Swiss Properties Invest AG (CHE-422.631.240), which was founded on 7 December 2021.
The purpose of Swiss Properties Invest AG is to own, operate, optimize, and develop a portfolio of attractive commercial properties for renting out commercial space in selected regions (cantons) in Switzerland with the aim of creating shareholder value to its investors.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S
Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO
Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52
E-mail kirsten@swisspropertiesinvest,dk
Schleppegrellsgade 8
2200 Copenhagen N
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S (CVR-nr. 40073310),
Poul Bundgaard Vej 1, 1.,
2500 Valby
Phone (+45) 3345 1000