Swiss Properties Invest A/S: Results of the Annual General Meeting 2023
Company Announcement no. 03-2023
Copenhagen, 28th April 2023
The annual general meeting of Swiss Properties Invest A/S was held today in accordance with the agenda in the notice of 5th April 2023 convening the annual general meeting, cf. company announcement No 02-2023 of 5th April 2023.
At the annual general meeting the following resolutions were agreed upon:
- To conduct this ordinary general meeting and future general meetings in English without simultaneous interpretation to and from Danish, and to include such resolution in the articles of association.
- The approval of the annual accounts and consolidated annual accounts, with audit report and annual report.
- The covering of losses according to the approved annual accounts.
- The discharge to the board of directors for 2022.
- The approval of the remuneration to the board of directors for the current financial year.
- The re-election of Thorbjørn Graarud, Christian Seidelin, Kirsten Sillehoved to the board of directors.
- The election of BDO Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktienselskab as the new auditor of the company.
- The authorization to the board of directors to increase the share capital up to nominal DKK 222,500,000 with and without pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders and to amend clause 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 of the articles of association.
- To change the deadline in clause 4.4 in the articles of association from three to two weeks for making the convening notice of general meetings etc. available on the company’s website.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S, which was founded on 8 October 2021, is the Danish holding company of the wholly owned subsidiary Swiss Properties Invest AG (CHE-422.631.240), which was founded on 7 December 2021.
The purpose of Swiss Properties Invest AG is to own, operate, optimize, and develop a portfolio of attractive commercial properties for renting out commercial space in selected regions (cantons) in Switzerland with the aim of creating shareholder value to its investors.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S
Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO
Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52
E-mail [email protected]
Schleppegrellsgade 8
2200 Copenhagen N
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance
Phone (+45) 33 45 10 00
Poul Bundgaard Vej 1
2500 Valby