Swiss Properties Invest A/S: Publication of the Company's Annual Report 2022
Company Announcement no. 01-2023
Copenhagen, 5th April 2023
The board of directors of Swiss Properties Invest A/S has today approved the Company’s annual report for the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
In line with the Company’s Articles of Association, and in relation to the notice to convene for the Annual General Assembly, the publication of the Annual Report 2022 is required to go out today, 5th April, and not the 14th of April as stated in the Company Calendar.
The company has acquired five attractive properties in 2022 out of the contemplated six to eight properties. The acquired properties represent a very attractive opportunity to Swiss Properties Invest delivering on all four acquisition criteria stated in the prospectus.
Actual revenues and earnings deviate from the forecast for 2022 illustrated in the prospectus, mainly due to the timing of the acquisition of the properties taking place later than expected:
- Revenue for 2022 is DKK 5,7 million, compared to the forecast in the prospectus of DKK 12,2 million
- The difference is due to the IPO being completed later than originally expected, and hence the acquisition of properties being completed late in 2022
- Net income for 2022 is DKK -5,6 million, compared to the forecast in the prospectus of DKK 5,2 million
- The difference is mainly due to
- Revenue being lower due to the late acquisitions of the properties; see above
- The value adjustment of the properties being lower due to the late acquisitions of the properties, i.e. DKK 126.240 compared to DKK 2,9 million as assumed in the prospectus
- One-time acquisition costs of DKK 3,7 million are written-off immediately, and not capitalised, as assumed in the prospectus
- The difference is mainly due to
The above-stated changes to 2022 does not change the projected forecasts for the coming years.
The annual report 2022 is attached.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S, which was founded on 8 October 2021, is the Danish holding company of the wholly owned subsidiary Swiss Properties Invest AG (CHE-422.631.240), which was founded on 7 December 2021.
The purpose of Swiss Properties Invest AG is to own, operate, optimize, and develop a portfolio of attractive commercial properties for renting out commercial space in selected regions (cantons) in Switzerland with the aim of creating shareholder value to its investors.
Swiss Properties Invest A/S
Kirsten Sillehoved, CEO
Mobile (+45) 52 40 71 52
E-mail kirsten@swisspropertiesinvest,dk
Schleppegrellsgade 8
2200 Copenhagen N
Baker Tilly Corporate Finance
Phone (+45) 33 45 10 00
Poul Bundgaard Vej 1
2500 Valby