Swedbank’s Year-end report 2024 - Börskollen
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Swedbank’s Year-end report 2024

Swedbank’s President and CEO Jens Henriksson comments: “Swedbank once again delivers a strong result supported by timing effects.”

  • Income rose for the full-year
  • The return on equity was 17.1 per cent for the full-year
  • Strict cost control the cost/income ratio for the full-year was 0.34
  • Credit quality is solid
  • Changed the Dividend Policy to between 60 and 70 per cent of the annual profit
  • Proposed dividend for 2024 of 21 kronor and 70 öre per share, corresponding to 70 per cent of the profit
  • New Investor Day before the summer
Financial information Q4 Q3 Full-year Full-year
SEKm 2024 2024 % 2024 2023 %
Total income 18634 19146 -3 74104 73057 1
Net interest income  12274  12229  49267  50933  -3 
Net commission income  4285  4286  16716  15088  11 
Net gains and losses on financial items  923  1170  -21  3687  2938  25 
Other income¹  1152  1461  -21  4435  4098 
Total expenses 6740 5986 13 25376 24100 5
of which administrative fines  -12  887  -100 
Profit before impairments, bank taxes and resolution fees 11894 13160 -10 48728 48957 0
Impairment of tangible and intangible assets  757  790  87 
Credit impairments  -394  271  -268  1674 
Bank taxes and resolution fees  858  1012  -15  4019  3574  12 
Profit before tax 10673 11876 -10 44187 43622 1
Tax expense  2208  2497  -12  9320  9492  -2 
Profit for the period  8465 9379 -10 34866 34130 2
Earnings per share, SEK, after dilution  7.50  8.30  30.86  30.27 
Return on equity, %  15.8  18.4  17.1  18.3 
C/I ratio  0.36  0.31  0.34  0.33 
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, %  19.8  20.4  19.8  19.0 
Credit impairment ratio, %  -0.08  0.06  -0.01  0.09 
1) Other income includes the items Net insurance, Share of profit or loss of associates and joint ventures, and Other income from the Group income statement. 


Annie Ho, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 343 78 15

Charlotte Nilsson, Press communicator, +46 76 534 66 12

This information constitutes inside information that Swedbank AB (publ.) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU no596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, January 23, 2025, at 07:00 CET.

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