Swedbank’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2024
Today Swedbank has published its Annual and Sustainability Report for 2024.
“Swedbank delivered a strong result for 2024. We have been there for our customers, had good cost control and solid credit quality. A sustainable bank is a profitable bank,” says Jens Henriksson, President and Chief Executive Officer.
The bank’s return on equity amounted to 17.1 per cent for the year, while the cost-to-income ratio amounted to 0.34. Swedbank’s Board of Directors has proposed a dividend of SEK 21.70 per share for 2024. As a profitable bank, Swedbank gives back to society through its owners: the Savings Banks, insurance companies, pension funds, individual investors and foundations.
During the year, the bank intensified its work in sustainability and financial health. In total, the sustainable assets that qualify for Swedbank’s Sustainable Funding Framework increased by 70 per cent during the year, and of the bonds the bank arranged, 36 per cent were sustainable, according to the established criteria.
In Sweden, Swedbank provided personal finance education and insights to 100 000 children and young people during the year through the Young Economy initiative together with schools, sport clubs and associations, thus helping to build financial health.
In the Annual and Sustainability Report for 2024, the bank has chosen to apply the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), voluntarily and earlier than required. The aim of the CSRD is to make sustainability reporting more comparable and reliable.
Swedbank’s promise to its customers is a simpler financial life. In 2024, the bank accelerated investments in its advisory platform, in a cloud-based communication platform, and in an improved end-to-end lending process, to facilitate contact and communication with customers.
“We look forward to meeting our shareholders at our Annual General Meeting on March 26, where we will share more information on how we have developed our business during 2024,” Jens Henriksson says.
The Annual and Sustainability Report for 2024, and other annual reports, are available for download at swedbank.com.
This information is information that Swedbank AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Market Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above on 20 February 2025, at 12:00 CET.