Sweco helps Ukraine modernise and secure water systems in two communities
Sweco is helping rebuild Ukraine by providing expertise in two projects to secure drinking water and modernise wastewater treatment in Kobleve and Dobroslav communities, in the Mykolaiv and Odesa regions. Specialists from Sweco will provide expertise in wastewater treatment, water engineering, hydrology and environmental impact assessments in projects financed by Swedfund.
The goal is to support the communities in the analysis and preparations necessary to improve and secure water quality, purification, and capacity. In Kobleve, the focus will be on drinking water and wastewater treatment, while an entirely new wastewater treatment system is being planned for Dobroslav.
Sweco will further the efforts of the reconstruction and modernisation of the water supply system for drinking water intake, new/updated solutions for wastewater treatment, and monitoring quality and process automation systems, where special attention is paid to energy efficiency and strict emissions requirements.
The result will be an improved, expanded and more resilient water infrastructure and municipal service for residents, including internally displaced persons. The Sweco projects will begin in June 2024 and are expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025.
The projects are financed by Swedfund, the Swedish state’s development finance institution, and will be conducted in accordance with national targets, EU standards and financial conditions from development banks.
Sweco supporting Ukraine
- Sweco is also helping build homes in six cities in western Ukraine
- And securing a drinking water supply for 220,000 residents in the city of Kremenchuk