Successful pilot project in UK for Insplorion’s air quality sensor leads to dealer agreement
AAC Eurovent and Insplorion have signed a non-exclusive dealer agreement. AAC Eurovent is an air filtration system specialist, providing bespoke solutions to residential, commercial, educational, and industrial markets in VOC and odour control, with a strong focus on NO2 removal, using their Nitrosorb systems. Insplorion’s sensor will mainly be an integrated part for specific NO2 purification applications. A successful pre-study conducted for one of AAC’s customers has been the foundation for the agreement.
AAC Eurovent and Insplorion have investigated how the Insplorion NO2 sensor can fit together with the AAC Eurovent filtration system and their customer groups since early this year. A pre-study for a customer with a specific NO2 monitoring problem was conducted during the summer. The positive outcome from the study has led to the decision to integrate the Insplorion NO2 sensor in the AAC Eurovent product line up. The agreement gives AAC Eurovent the right to include and sell Insplorions sensor integrated in their own systems under their own brand.
“We have previously worked with electro-chemically based sensors for our systems and are pleased to now switch to Insplorion’s NO2 sensor since we’ve witnessed excellent performance in a recently conducted customer study”, comments Robin Elshout BSc C.Eng MCIBSE AAC Eurovent Managing Director.
AAC Eurovent has provided the UK market with ventilation systems for over 30 years with more than 10,000 systems installed in residential apartments. The pilot project is expected to proceed to a customer financed development project during 2022.
“We have for some time seen that the UK market has a higher awareness about the harmfulness of NO2 so it is natural that it is in the UK that we sign our first dealer agreement. We are very happy that it is with AAC Eurovent who is known for being a premium provider of NO2 purification systems and whom we know will further open up the market when our technologies combine”, comments Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO at Insplorion.
Questions are answered by:
Patrik Dahlqvist, CEO Insplorion AB, +46 723 62 32 61 or [email protected]
Insplorion AB, with its disruptive sensor platform NanoPlasmonic Sensing (NPS), operates within four field;. air quality sensors, hydrogen sensors, battery sensors and research instruments. The sensors are small, durable and cost efficient at volume production. Our sensor technology enables air quality sensors at home, in cars and in public environment, Our hydrogen sensors show a sub-second response time, making them the fastest in the world and will promote the growth of hydrogen infrastructure. The battery sensor optimizes battery control and usage. Our instruments give scientists around the world nanometer sensitive real time data of surface processes in fields like catalysis, material- and life science.
FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399 [email protected], is Insplorion’s Certified Adviser at Nasdaq First North.