Stendörren acquires two warehouse and light industrial properties in Helsinki and Copenhagen respectively, for SEK 92 million
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Stendörren acquires two warehouse and light industrial properties in Helsinki and Copenhagen respectively, for SEK 92 million


Press release

17 February 2025

Stendörren Fastigheter AB (publ) has, through two separate transactions, acquired the warehouse and light industrial properties Martinkyläntie 52, Vantaa and Kanalholmen 20, Hvidovre from private sellers. The total agreed property value amounts to the equivalent of SEK 92 million and the total leasable area amounts to approximately 10,500 square meters. The properties are fully let and very well located in their respective markets. The annual net operating income is estimated to be the equivalent of approximately SEK 7.6 million. Possession took place on 14 and 17 February 2025.

"We are pleased to complement our Nordic portfolio with two well-located properties with development potential. The property in Helsinki is located directly on ring road three and the property in Copenhagen is located only about 20 minutes from the city centre. The acquisitions represent a continued step towards increasing Stendörren's Nordic exposure and critical mass in each market.", says Johan Malmberg, CIO

For further information, please contact:

Erik Ranje, CEO, +46 (0)8-518 331 00 or [email protected]

Johan Malmberg, CIO, +46 (0) 70-147 25 04 or [email protected]  

Stendörren Fastigheter AB (publ)

Fastigheter AB (publ) is an expansive property company in logistics, warehouse and light industrial in Nordic growth regions. The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap. The business concept is to create profitable growth in net asset value. This is achieved through value-creating acquisitions, capitalising on the positive rental growth that follows the urbanisation of metropolitan regions and by developing existing assets, including the company’s extensive and unique building rights portfolio.

For more information about Stendörren Fastigheter AB (publ), see:

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