Solwers organizes a directed share issue in connection with the acquisition in Finland
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Solwers organizes a directed share issue in connection with the acquisition in Finland

Solwers Plc, Company release, 4th July 2024 at 14.00 EEST

Solwers Plc is organizing a directed share issue for the seller in connection with Siren Arkkitehdit Oy acquisition announced in a press release today. Part of the purchase price has been agreed to be paid with Solwers Plc's shares.

The share issue will be implemented based on the authorization given to the board of directors by the Solwers Plc's general meeting on April 25, 2024. There is a weighty financial reason for deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right, because the directed share issue is related to a corporate acquisition in line with the company's growth strategy.

The subscription price of the shares is EUR 3.86 per share, which is the volume-weighted average price of Solwers Plc's share quotation on the First North Growth Market for a one-month period before the acquisition. The number of new shares to be directed to the seller is 103,632 shares, corresponding to approximately one per cent of the total outstanding and issued shares. Registration of the new shares is expected to take place during August 2024.

As a result of this issue, the total number of shares issued by Solwers Plc will increase from 10,004,405 shares to 10,108,037 shares.

A 9-month transfer restriction on new shares will be recorded in the sellers' book-entry accounts.

Solwers Plc

Board of Directors

Certified advisor: UB Corporate Finance Oy, [email protected]

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