Signed new lease agreement with the Norwegian Tax Authorities in Anton Jenssens gate 8 (Statens Park) Tønsberg
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Signed new lease agreement with the Norwegian Tax Authorities in Anton Jenssens gate 8 (Statens Park) Tønsberg

PPI has signed a new lease contract with the Norwegian Tax Authorities for approximately 2850 sqm in Anton Jenssens gate 8 (Statens Park) in Tønsberg. The lease contract has a duration of 10 years, starting from 15.06.2026.
“We are very pleased with the continued trust the Norwegian Tax Authorities in Tønsberg has shown us by signing a new lease for another 10 years. The tax authorities will temporarily move into our property in Olav Trygvasons gate 4 in Tønsberg from September 2025 while we refurbish the property and we look forward to welcoming them back into Anton Jenssens gate in June 2026” says André Gaden, CEO of PPI

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