Shape Robotics secures Smartlab-order worth 30 Mio
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Shape Robotics secures Smartlab-order worth 30 Mio. Euro from NOD

Company announcement no. 19-24
Copenhagen, April 26, 2024

This message contains inside information.

This is a correction to the release issued today at 12:30 regarding the new NOD order – by error the incorrect distribution method (press release) was chosen for publication.

Todays order from NOD for an additional 900 Smartlabs is a direct result of the grants awarded to over 1400 schools in Romania through the EU Recovery and Resilience Plan, ensuring full funding. This order commences with an immediate delivery of 100 Smartlabs, followed by a steady supply of 50 Smartlabs weekly throughout 2024. This brings the total to 900 laboratories, culminating in an approximate value of 30 million euros.

This development not only fulfills ShaPe Robotics existing framework agreement with NOD but also sets the stage for a proposed expansion of the contract by a minimum of 50%, reaffirming the company's promise made in the earlier company announcements.

"This comitted order from NOD once again underscores the effectiveness of our business continuity policies and the combined strength of our team's competences. All efforts are oriented towards execution of our promises, we are a resilient organization that thrives on collective effort and excellence in execution" says CEO Mark Abraham.

Shape Robotics dominates STEAM-markets and expands into Poland after completed Skriware acquisition

Leveraging a successful partner-based strategy, Shape Robotics has secured a significant 63% share of the STEAM market in Romania and Moldova. The company is set to extend this model to the Polish market following the strategic acquisition of Skriware.

We at Shape Robotics are keenly focused on broadening our reach in the global market and catering to the escalating demand for Edtech. This year, we are wholeheartedly committed to implementing our strategies and mirroring the success we've achieved in Romania across EMEA” stated CEO Mark Abraham.

Shape Robotics maintains its guidance for 2024 and the ambition of reaching a total turnover in 2027 in the amount of 1 billion DKK and an EBITDA-margin of 12-15 pct.

Further information and investor relations:

Jeppe Frandsen, Chairman
Tlf.: +45 20 55 40 44
CVR-nr. 38322656

Communication and PR:
Gullev & Co. ApS
Boris Gullev
Tel: +45 31 39 79 99

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