Selvaag Bolig ASA: Invitation to presentation of fourth quarter 2024 results
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Selvaag Bolig ASA: Invitation to presentation of fourth quarter 2024 results

Selvaag Bolig ASA will publish its fourth quarter 2024 results Wednesday 12 February at 07:00 am CET.
The quarterly report and the presentation materials will be available on the company's website, and, as well as news wires.
NB new venue. CEO Sverre Molvik and CFO Christopher Brunvoll will present the company's results at 08:30 am CET at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgaten 24-26 in Oslo. A light breakfast will be served from 08:00.
The presentation will be held in Norwegian and transferred via live webcast. it will be possible to ask questions via web.
An English transcript of the presentation will be made available.

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