Sampo has published a supplement to the demerger prospectus for Mandatum
SAMPO PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 29 September 2023 at 8:30 am
Sampo has published a supplement to the demerger prospectus for Mandatum
Sampo has published a supplement to the demerger prospectus prepared and published by Sampo on behalf of Mandatum plc in order to carry out the partial demerger of Sampo plc and listing of Mandatum’s shares on Nasdaq Helsinki. The supplement document includes information on the business purchase agreement made between Mandatum and the Finnish branch of If Livförsäkring AB on the transfer of a life insurance portfolio. The Finnish language version of the supplement has been approved by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. The Finnish-language supplement and its unofficial English translation are available, together with the previously published demerger prospectus and supplements and their unofficial English translations at
The Annual General Meeting of Sampo plc, held on 17 May 2023, approved the Board’s proposal to separate Mandatum from Sampo Group through a partial demerger. In the demerger, all of the shares in Mandatum Holding Ltd and related assets and liabilities will transfer without a liquidation procedure to Mandatum plc. As demerger consideration, Sampo shareholders would receive one new share in Mandatum plc, the company to be incorporated in the demerger on the effective date of the demerger, which is expected to be 1 October 2023, for each existing series A or series B share in Sampo plc.
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