SalMar capital markets day today in Northern Norway
Frøya/Tromsø, 6. September 2023
When SalMar today welcomes participants to its 2023 Capital Markets Day in Tromsø, sustainable organic growth is on the top of the agenda. Following several successful transactions and the ongoing integration of NTS, NRS and SalmoNor, SalMar has established itself as a powerhouse in the international aquaculture industry.
The company will maintain its commitment and ambitions within coastal farming and within offshore farming. SalMar aims to continue its leading role in growing and developing the industry both nationally and internationally.
“Our ambition is further growth in all the regions we operate, but where, how soon and how much we will invest will depend on where we find a sustainable regulatory framework. In Norway, the resource rent tax which has been introduced represents a particular cause for concern for further growth outside the organic growth potential arising from the NTS-transaction last fall,” said Frode Arntsen CEO of SalMar.
Updates at the capital markets day will include:
·SalMar will announce a total organic growth potential from all regions which gives a total harvest volume of 362 000 tonnes, an increase from the expected volume in 2023 of 273 000 tonnes or an increase of 33%, without requiring any additional large capital expenditures.
·An increase in the estimated annual synergies following the integration of NTS, NRS and SalmoNor from NOK 671 million to NOK 844 million where 71% is realized at the end of August 2023.
SalMar will provide more insight into these topics and provide a deep dive into each part of the value chain 14:00 CEST today at Clarion Hotel the Edge in Tromsø. The presentation material with more detailed information will be published at 14:00 CEST when the presentation starts. The session will also be available as a webcast from SalMars webpage.
For further information, please contact:
Frode Arntsen, CEO
Tel: +47 482 06 665
Email: [email protected]
Ulrik Steinvik, CFO
Tel: +47 900 84 538
Email: [email protected]
Håkon Husby, Head of Investor Relations
Tlf: +47 936 30 449
Email: [email protected]
About SalMar
SalMar is one of the world's largest and most efficient producers of salmon. The Group has farming operations in Central Norway, Northern Norway and Iceland, as well as substantial harvesting and secondary processing operations. In addition, the company is operating within offshore aquaculture through the company SalMar Aker Ocean and SalMar owns 50% of the shares in Scottish Sea Farms Ltd.
See for more information about the company.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements stipulated in section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.