RugVista summer greeting - Börskollen
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RugVista summer greeting

RugVista highly values the relationship with its shareholders and has today sent out a shareholder note wishing shareholders a happy summer and highlighting some previously disclosed information.

A convenience translation of the Swedish original letter is included below.


July 5, 2022, Limhamn

Dear shareholder,

First, I would like to say thank you for the trust shown by investing in RugVista, and also from all of us at RugVista wish you a happy summer.

I hope that you’ve seen that we have launched a shareholder benefit in form of a shareholder discount. As a shareholder in RugVista you can receive an all-year-round discount of 20% on the full assortment. We hope that you will seize this opportunity to explore and discover even more of the amazing world of rugs and carpets! For more information on how to register for the discount and terms please see:

On May 20 this year RugVista held its very first annual general meeting (AGM) as a listed company. The AGM documentation, information regarding principal resolutions passed and the company’s annual report are available on On the website, you can also stay up to date with events and dates in our financial calendar. I would especially like to highlight the possibility to subscribe via email to news, reports, and press releases from us so that you don’t risk missing out on news or press releases going forward. Registration to subscribe is done on

Lastly, once again thank you for being a patient shareholder during a period of challenging stock market climate and share price. We at RugVista continue to work according to plan and hope that you will continue together with us on RugVista’s continued journey.

Best regards,

Michael Lindskog


Good communication with you as a shareholder is important to us. Being a listed company entails that we, according to Nasdaq's regulations, are prohibited from providing information to individual shareholders that has not yet been published.

The intention of this letter is to inform you as a shareholder about already communicated news, as well as to inform you about the possibility of subscribing to news and press releases from us. Our hope is that this can contribute to you as a shareholder getting a clearer picture of us as a company. This letter will also be published on our website.

Contact information:

Michael Lindskog, CEO

[email protected]
[email protected]

About RugVista Group AB (publ)

RugVista Group is one of Europe’s leading “direct-to-consumer” e-commerce players and markets carpets and rugs through its own web-shops available in 20 different languages using the brands RugVista and CarpetVista. The company was founded 2005 and offers a wide and relevant selection of design- and traditional carpets and rugs of high-quality at attractive prices.  RugVista Group offers its EU based customers free deliveries and returns free of charge.

The Group’s operations are divided into three segments: Privat consumers (B2C), Business consumers (B2B), and Marketplaces & Other (MPO). The B2C segment represents the consumer market and is the Group’s core segment.

RugVista Group employs approximately 85 FTEs and is headquartered in Malmö, Sweden. The RugVista Group AB (publ) share is traded on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market under the ticker symbol “RUG”.

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