Results from the use of Episealer® accepted for publication in scientific journal
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Results from the use of Episealer® accepted for publication in scientific journal

Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today announces that results from a follow-up study on the Episealer® knee implant have been accepted for publication (peer-reviewed) in the Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. The article, with the title “2-year results of middle-aged patients with two-compartment cartilage lesions in one knee treated with two patient specific metal implants”, by Daniel Aaron den Toom, Markus Rieke, Allaeldin Elbadawi and Clemens Kösters, focuses on the clinical outcome from follow-up of patients treated with two implants in the same knee. The patients have been followed-up over 2-year period, and the publication will be available shortly.

“This is the first peer-reviewed publication on the use of multiple Episealer® implants in one knee, and the patients are doing very well. This is highly encouraging as patients often present with slightly more damaged knees, and the use of multiple implants in one knee is increasing in usage among our customers. We are grateful for the work from the study group, as this once again confirms the strength of our implant technology”, says Pål Ryfors, CEO Episurf Medical.

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Results from the use of Episealer® accepted for publication in scientific journal

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