Resolution at the extraordinary general meeting of Cavotec - Börskollen
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Resolution at the extraordinary general meeting of Cavotec

Today, Friday 17 March 2023, the extraordinary general meeting of Cavotec SA (publ) was held. The general meeting resolved to approve the board’s proposal from 22 February 2023 to increase the company’s nominal share capital. The board subsequently implemented the increase of the Company's share capital in the amount of CHF 8,716,981.00, i.e. from the current share capital of CHF 65,970,240.00 to CHF 74,687,221.00, through the issuance of 12,452,830 new shares of the Company. The shares are placed at a price of SEK 13.25 per share, consequently raising proceeds of approximately SEK 165 million before transaction costs. The capital increase will become effective once registered with the commercial register.

For further details and information on background to and reasons for the new share issue, refer to the company’s press release on a directed share issue on 22 February 2023.

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