Repurchase of shares in Boliden AB during February 7 and 10, 2025
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Repurchase of shares in Boliden AB during February 7 and 10, 2025

Boliden AB (LEI code: 21380059QU7IM1ONDJ56) has during February 7 and 10, 2025, repurchased a total of 100,000 treasury shares (ISIN code: SE0020050417) as part of the repurchases resolved by the Board of Directors in order to ensure future delivery of shares to the participants in Boliden’s long-term share savings programme 2024/2027. The repurchases initiated on February 7, 2025, are hereby completed as a total of 100,000 shares have been repurchased for a total amount of SEK 37,508,826.

The repurchases have been conducted in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (“MAR”) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 (“Safe Harbour Regulation”).

Aggregated details



Aggregate daily volume
(number of shares)

Weighted average price per day (SEK)

Total daily transaction value










All acquisitions have been made on Nasdaq Stockholm by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) on behalf of Boliden. After the above acquisitions, Boliden’s holding of treasury shares as of February 11, 2025, amounts to 140,000 shares. The total number of shares in Boliden amounts to 273,511,169.

Full details of the transactions carried out under Article 5(3) of MAR and Article 2(3) of the Safe Harbour Regulation are attached to this press release.

For further information, please contact:

Klas Nilsson

Director Group Communications
+46 70-453 65 88
[email protected]

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